9.5 Example: insertion cursor and selection 示例:插入光标和选择

The next sections work through three examples that illustrate the principles discussed above. In two of the examples the best approach is to separate the relevant pieces of code; in the third example it is better to join them together.


The first example consists of the insertion cursor and the selection in the GUI editor project from Chapter 6. The editor displayed a blinking vertical line indicating where text typed by the user would appear in the document. It also displayed a highlighted range of characters called the selection, which was used for copying or deleting text. The insertion cursor was always visible, but there could be times when no text was selected. If the selection existed, the insertion cursor was always positioned at one end of it.

第一个示例由插入光标和第 6 章的 GUI 编辑器项目中的选择组成。编辑器显示闪烁的垂直线,指示用户键入的文本将出现在文档中的何处。它还显示了一个突出显示的字符范围,称为选择,用于复制或删除文本。插入光标始终可见,但是有时可能没有选择文本。如果存在选择,则插入光标始终位于其一端。

The selection and insertion cursor are related in some ways. For example, the cursor is always positioned at one end of the selection, and the cursor and selection tend to be manipulated together: clicking and dragging the mouse sets both of them, and text insertion first deletes the selected text, if there is any, and then inserts new text at the cursor position. Thus, it might seem logical to use a single object to manage both the selection and the cursor, and one project team took this approach. The object stored two positions in the file, along with booleans indicating which end was the cursor and whether the selection existed.


However, the combined object was awkward. It provided no benefit for higher-level code, since the higher-level code still needed to be aware of the selection and cursor as distinct entities, and it manipulated them separately (during text insertion, it first invoked a method on the combined object to delete the selected text; then it invoked another method to retrieve the cursor position in order to insert new text). The combined object was actually more complex to implement than separate objects. It avoided storing the cursor position as a separate entity, but instead had to store a boolean indicating which end of the selection was the cursor. In order to retrieve the cursor position, the combined object had to first test the boolean and then choose the appropriate end of the selection.


img Red Flag: Special-General Mixture img

This red flag occurs when a general-purpose mechanism also contains code specialized for a particular use of that mechanism. This makes the mechanism more complicated and creates information leakage between the mechanism and the particular use case: future modifications to the use case are likely to require changes to the underlying mechanism as well.


In this case, the selection and cursor were not closely enough related to combine them. When the code was revised to separate the selection and the cursor, both the usage and the implementation became simpler. Separate objects provided a simpler interface than a combined object from which selection and cursor information had to be extracted. The cursor implementation also got simpler because the cursor position was represented directly, rather than indirectly through a selection and a boolean. In fact, in the revised version no special classes were used for either the selection or the cursor. Instead, a new Position class was introduced to represent a location in the file (a line number and character within line). The selection was represented with two Positions and the cursor with one. Positions also found other uses in the project. This example also demonstrates the benefits of a lower-level but more general-purpose interface, which were discussed in Chapter 6.

在这种情况下,选择和光标之间的关联度不足以将它们组合在一起。当修改代码以分隔选择和光标时,用法和实现都变得更加简单。与必须从中提取选择和光标信息的组合对象相比,单独的对象提供了更简单的接口。游标的实现也变得更加简单,因为游标的位置是直接表示的,而不是通过选择和布尔值间接表示的。实际上,在修订版中,没有特殊的类用于选择或游标。相反,引入了一个新的 Position 类来表示文件中的位置(行号和行内的字符)。选择用两个位置表示,光标用一个位置表示。职位还在项目中找到了其他用途。