20.1 How to think about performance 如何考虑性能

The first question to address is “how much should you worry about performance during the normal development process?” If you try to optimize every statement for maximum speed, it will slow down development and create a lot of unnecessary complexity. Furthermore, many of the “optimizations” won’t actually help performance. On the other hand, if you completely ignore performance issues, it’s easy to end up with a large number of significant inefficiencies spread throughout the code; the resulting system can easily be 5–10x slower than it needs to be. In this “death by a thousand cuts” scenario it’s hard to come back later and improve the performance, because there is no single improvement that will have much impact.

要解决的第一个问题是“您在正常的开发过程中应该为性能多少担心?” 如果您尝试优化每条语句以获得最大速度,则它将减慢开发速度并产生许多不必要的复杂性。此外,许多“优化”实际上对性能没有帮助。另一方面,如果您完全忽略了性能问题,则很容易导致遍及整个代码的大量效率低下。结果系统很容易比所需的速度慢 5–10 倍。在这种“千刀砍死”的情况下,以后很难再回来提高性能了,因为没有单一的改进会产生很大的影响。

The best approach is something between these extremes, where you use basic knowledge of performance to choose design alternatives that are “naturally efficient” yet also clean and simple. The key is to develop an awareness of which operations are fundamentally expensive. Here are a few examples of operations that are relatively expensive today:


  • Network communication: even within a datacenter, a round-trip message exchange can take 10–50 µs, which is tens of thousands of instruction times. Wide-area round-trips can take 10–100 ms.
  • I/O to secondary storage: disk I/O operations typically take 5–10 ms, which is millions of instruction times. Flash storage takes 10–100 µs. New emerging nonvolatile memories may be as fast as 1 µs, but this is still around 2000 instruction times.
  • Dynamic memory allocation (malloc in C, new in C++ or Java) typically involves significant overhead for allocation, freeing, and garbage collection.
  • Cache misses: fetching data from DRAM into an on-chip processor cache takes a few hundred instruction times; in many programs, overall performance is determined as much by cache misses as by computational costs.

  • 网络通信:即使在数据中心内,往返消息交换也可能花费 10–50 µs,这是数以万计的指令时间。广域往返可能需要 10 到 100 毫秒。
  • I/O 到辅助存储:磁盘 I/O 操作通常需要 5 到 10 毫秒,这是数百万条指令时间。闪存存储需要 10–100 µs。新出现的非易失性存储器的速度可能高达 1 µs,但这仍约为 2000 条指令时间。
  • 动态内存分配(C 语言中的 malloc,C ++或 Java 中的新增功能)通常涉及分配,释放和垃圾回收的大量开销。
  • 高速缓存未命中:将数据从 DRAM 提取到片上处理器高速缓存中需要数百条指令时间;在许多程序中,整体性能取决于缓存未命中和计算成本。

The best way to learn which things are expensive is to run micro-benchmarks (small programs that measure the cost of a single operation in isolation). In the RAMCloud project, we created a simple program that provides a framework for microbenchmarks. It took a few days to create the framework, but the framework makes it possible to add new micro-benchmarks in five or ten minutes. This has allowed us to accumulate dozens of micro-benchmarks. We use these both to understand the performance of existing libraries used in RAMCloud, and also to measure the performance of new classes written for RAMCloud.

了解哪些东西最昂贵的最好方法是运行微基准测试(小型程序,这些程序单独测量单个操作的成本)。在 RAMCloud 项目中,我们创建了一个简单的程序,该程序提供了微基准测试的框架。创建该框架花了几天时间,但是该框架使在五到十分钟内添加新的微基准成为可能。这使我们积累了几十个微基准。我们既可以使用它们来了解 RAMCloud 中使用的现有库的性能,也可以衡量为 RAMCloud 编写的新类的性能。

Once you have a general sense for what is expensive and what is cheap, you can use that information to choose cheap operations whenever possible. In many cases, a more efficient approach will be just as simple as a slower approach. For example, when storing a large collection of objects that will be looked up using a key value, you could use either a hash table or an ordered map. Both are commonly available in library packages, and both are simple and clean to use. However, hash tables can easily be 5–10x faster. Thus, you should always use a hash table unless you need the ordering properties provided by the map.

一旦对什么是昂贵和什么便宜有了一般的认识,就可以使用该信息尽可能地选择便宜的业务。在许多情况下,更有效的方法将与较慢的方法一样简单。例如,当存储将使用键值查找的大量对象时,可以使用哈希表或有序映射。两者都通常在库包中提供,并且都简单易用。但是,哈希表可以轻松地快 5-10 倍。因此,除非需要映射提供的排序属性,否则应始终使用哈希表。

As another example, consider allocating an array of structures in a language such as C or C++. There are two ways you can do this. One way is for the array to hold pointers to structures, in which case you must first allocate space for the array, then allocate space for each individual structure. It is much more efficient to store the structures in the array itself, so you only allocate one large block for everything.

作为另一个示例,请考虑使用诸如 C 或 C ++之类的语言分配结构数组。有两种方法可以执行此操作。一种方法是让数组保留指向结构的指针,在这种情况下,您必须首先为数组分配空间,然后为每个单独的结构分配空间。将结构存储在数组本身中效率要高得多,因此您只为所有内容分配一个大块。

If the only way to improve efficiency is by adding complexity, then the choice is more difficult. If the more efficient design adds only a small amount of complexity, and if the complexity is hidden, so it doesn’t affect any interfaces, then it may be worthwhile (but beware: complexity is incremental). If the faster design adds a lot of implementation complexity, or if it results in more complicated interfaces, then it may be better to start off with the simpler approach and optimize later if performance turns out to be a problem. However, if you have clear evidence that performance will be important in a particular situation, then you might as well implement the faster approach immediately.


In the RAMCloud project one of our overall goals was to provide the lowest possible latency for client machines accessing the storage system over a datacenter network. As a result, we decided to use special hardware for networking, which allowed RAMCloud to bypass the kernel and communicate directly with the network interface controller to send and receive packets. We made this decision even though it added complexity, because we knew from prior measurements that kernel-based networking would be too slow to meet our needs. In most of the rest of the RAMCloud system we were able to design for simplicity; getting this one big issue “right” made many other things easier.

在 RAMCloud 项目中,我们的总体目标之一是为客户端计算机通过数据中心网络访问存储系统提供尽可能低的延迟。结果,我们决定使用特殊的硬件进行联网,从而使 RAMCloud 绕过内核并直接与网络接口控制器进行通信以发送和接收数据包。即使增加了复杂性,我们还是做出了这个决定,因为我们从先前的测量中知道,基于内核的网络太慢了,无法满足我们的需求。在其余的 RAMCloud 系统中,我们能够进行简单设计。解决这个大问题“对”使其他事情变得更加容易。

In general, simpler code tends to run faster than complex code. If you have defined away special cases and exceptions, then no code is needed to check for those cases and the system runs faster. Deep classes are more efficient than shallow ones, because they get more work done for each method call. Shallow classes result in more layer crossings, and each layer crossing adds overhead.
