15.1 Delayed comments are bad comments 迟到的注释不是好注释

Almost every developer I have ever met puts off writing comments. When asked why they don’t write documentation earlier, they say that the code is still changing. If they write documentation early, they say, they’ll have to rewrite it when the code changes; better to wait until the code stabilizes. However, I suspect that there is also another reason, which is that they view documentation as drudge work; thus, they put it off as long as possible.


Unfortunately, this approach has several negative consequences. First, delaying documentation often means that it never gets written at all. Once you start delaying, it’s easy to delay a bit more; after all, the code will be even more stable in a few more weeks. By the time the code has inarguably stabilized, there is a lot of it, which means the task of writing documentation has become huge and even less attractive. There’s never a convenient time to stop for a few days and fill in all of the missing comments, and it’s easy to rationalize that the best thing for the project is to move on and fix bugs or write the next new feature. This will create even more undocumented code.


Even if you do have the self-discipline to go back and write the comments (and don’t fool yourself: you probably don’t), the comments won’t be very good. By this time in the process, you have checked out mentally. In your mind, this piece of code is done; you are eager to move on to your next project. You know that writing comments is the right thing to do, but it’s no fun. You just want to get through it as quickly as possible. Thus, you make a quick pass over the code, adding just enough comments to look respectable. By now, it’s been a while since you designed the code, so your memories of the design process are becoming fuzzy. You look at the code as you are writing the comments, so the comments repeat the code. Even if you try to reconstruct the design ideas that aren’t obvious from the code, there will be things you don’t remember. Thus, the comments are missing some of the most important things they should describe.
