16.2 Maintaining comments: keep the comments near the code 维护注释:将注释保留在代码附近

When you change existing code, there’s a good chance that the changes will invalidate some of the existing comments. It’s easy to forget to update comments when you modify code, which results in comments that are no longer accurate. Inaccurate comments are frustrating to readers, and if there are very many of them, readers begin to distrust all of the comments. Fortunately, with a little discipline and a couple of guiding rules, it’s possible to keep comments up-to-date without a huge effort. This section and the following ones put forth some specific techniques.


The best way to ensure that comments get updated is to position them close to the code they describe, so developers will see them when they change the code. The farther a comment is from its associated code, the less likely it is that it will be updated properly. For example, the best place for a method’s interface comment is in the code file, right next to the body of the method. Any changes to the method will involve this code, so the developer is likely to see the interface comments and update them if needed.


An alternative for languages like C and C++ that have separate code and header files, is to place the interface comments next to the method’s declaration in the .h file. However, this is a long way from the code; developers won’t see those comments when modifying the method’s body, and it takes additional work to open a different file and find the interface comments to update them. Some might argue that interface comments should go in header files so that users can learn how to use an abstraction without having to look at the code file. However, users should not need to read either code or header files; they should get their information from documentation compiled by tools such as Doxygen or Javadoc. In addition, many IDEs will extract and present documentation to users, such as by displaying a method’s documentation when the method’s name is typed. Given tools such as these, the documentation should be located in the place that is most convenient for developers working on the code.

对于 C 和 C ++等具有单独的代码和头文件的语言,一种替代方法是将接口注释放在.h 文件中方法声明的旁边。但是,这距离代码还有很长的路要走。开发人员在修改方法的主体时将看不到这些注释,因此需要打开其他文件并查找接口注释来更新它们,这需要额外的工作。有人可能会争辩说接口注释应该放在头文件中,以便用户可以不必看代码文件就可以学习如何使用抽象。但是,用户无需读取代码或头文件;他们应该从由 Doxygen 或 Javadoc 等工具编译的文档中获取信息。此外,许多 IDE 都会提取文档并将其呈现给用户,例如在键入方法名称时显示方法的文档。给定诸如此类的工具,文档应位于对开发人员进行代码开发最方便的位置。

When writing implementation comments, don’t put all the comments for an entire method at the top of the method. Spread them out, pushing each comment down to the narrowest scope that includes all of the code referred to by the comment. For example, if a method has three major phases, don’t write one comment at the top of the method that describes all of the phases in detail. Instead, write a separate comment for each phase and position that comment just above the first line of code in that phase. On the other hand, it can also be helpful to have a comment at the top of a method’s implementation that describes the overall strategy, like this:


  1. // We proceed in three phases:
  2. // Phase 1: Find feasible candidates
  3. // Phase 2: Assign each candidate a score
  4. // Phase 3: Choose the best, and remove it

Additional details can be documented just above the code for each phase.


In general, the farther a comment is from the code it describes, the more abstract it should be (this reduces the likelihood that the comment will be invalidated by code changes).
