
为了能够在Blender使用的三维空间中工作,您必须能够更改视图以及场景的查看方向。虽然我们将描述 3D视图 编辑器,但大多数其他编辑器具有类似的功能。例如,可以在图像编辑器中平移和缩放。


Some navigation tools require a middle mouse button or numpad. If you don’t have one of these, see the Keyboard and Mouse page of the manual to learn how to work around this.




The navigation gizmo can be found in the top right of the editor.

The Orbit gizmo at the top shows the current orientation of the view. Dragging it with LMB will orbit the view. Clicking any of the axis labels will align the view to that axis. Clicking the same axis again switches to the opposite side of that same axis.

The four buttons below the orbit gizmo do the following: