Custom CAs for Webhooks

Webhook stages let Spinnaker make HTTP(S) calls to external web services.


Webhook stages enable Spinnaker to make HTTP(S) calls to external web services. If the configured webhook URL has the https:// scheme, Spinnaker will use TLS to communicate with the external server. Spinnaker will attempt to validate the certificate presented by the server by building a chain of trust back to a trusted certification authority (CA) and will refuse to connect if the certificate cannot be validated.

By default Spinnaker uses the trust store provided by the JVM as its source of trusted CAs. The default behavior is sufficient for webhooks to public-facing servers where it is possible to build a chain of trust back to a root CA. Internal servers, however, may have certificates issued by a company-specific CA that is not trusted by a root CA. Webhooks to these servers over https:// will fail using the default configuration.

In order to support this latter use case, Spinnaker allows users to supply additional CAs to trust in addition to the default ones. These additional CAs will be used when negotiating connections for outbound webhooks (including preconfigured webhooks) but will not be used for any other connection initiated by Spinnaker. There is no way to specify additional CAs on a per-webhook basis; the additional CAs will apply to all webhooks.

Create a trust store

Create a trust store in Java KeyStore (JKS) format via:

  1. keytool -import -file <path-to-ca-certificate> -alias <name-of-first-ca> -keystore <name-for-keystore>.jks

where <path-to-ca-certificate> is the path to the certificate for the CA you’d like to trust in PEM format, <name-of-first-ca> is an arbitrary alias for that CA, and <name-for-keystore> is the name of a keystore that will be created.

You will be prompted to create a password for the new key store, which you’ll need to supply to Spinnaker in the next step.

After creating the key store with the above command, you can add additional CAs to the keystore by running the same command but supplying a different CA certificate and alias. You’ll be prompted for the keystore password before the new CA can be added. As this trust store will augment the default trust store, you don’t need to add all of the root CAs to this custom trust store; only CAs that are not in the default trust store need to be added.

Configure Spinnaker to use the trust store

  1. hal config webhook trust edit --trustStore <path-to-trust-store> --trustStorePassword
  2. hal config webhook trust enable

The first command will prompt for the trust store password on standard input.

Alternately, if not using Halyard, the following can be added to orca-local.yml:

  1. webhook:
  2. trust:
  3. enabled: true
  4. trustStore: <path to trust store in jks format>
  5. trustStorePassword: <password for trustStore>

Last modified May 4, 2021: rest of migration (700781a)