Set up Front50 to use SQL

You can configure Front50 to use a MySQL compatible database for all of its persistence use cases. This provides more resiliency for your deployment.

You can configure Front50 to use a MySQL compatible database in place of any cloud provider-specific storage service (S3, GCS, etc.).

A migration can be performed without downtime by taking advantage of the dual-read/write capabilities in the provided CompositeStorageService.


Netflix has been plagued by eventual consistency-related issues around our usage of versioned S3 buckets and Front50’s expectations around read-after-write consistency.

Attempts to work around S3’s consistency model have resulted in an operationally complicated production deployment.

The SQL implementation provides a strongly consistent storage service that is performant, operationally simple and feature rich. It supports object versioning out-of-the-box.

Configuration Considerations

At Netflix, Orca, Clouddriver and Front50 run with their own dedicated Aurora cluster but this isn’t required.

Database Setup

Front50 ships with mysql-connector-java by default. You can provide additional JDBC connectors on the classpath if desired. Use of a different RDBMS family will likely require some development effort at this time. Front50 was developed targeting Amazon Aurora’s MySQL 5.7 compatible engine.

Before you deploy Front50, you need to manually create a logical database and user grants.

  1. CREATE DATABASE `front50` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  2. GRANT
  4. ON `front50`.*
  5. TO 'front50_service'@'%'; -- IDENTIFIED BY "password" if using password based auth
  6. GRANT
  8. ON `front50`.*
  9. TO 'front50_migrate'@'%'; -- IDENTIFIED BY "password" if using password based auth

Configure Front50 to use MySQL

The following yaml-based parameters provide a Front50 configuration that entirely uses MySQL. Halyard does not yet natively support Front50 SQL configuration. Halyard users can provide these as overrides via a front50-local.yml file.

You will need to disable any other previously enabled storage services (s3, gcs, etc.).

  1. sql:
  2. enabled: true
  3. connectionPools:
  4. default:
  5. # additional connection pool parameters are available here,
  6. # for more detail and to view defaults, see:
  7. #
  8. default: true
  9. jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://your.database:3306/front50
  10. user: front50_service
  11. # password: depending on db auth and how spinnaker secrets are managed
  12. migration:
  13. user: front50_migrate
  14. jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://your.database:3306/front50


The following steps support a no downtime migration to SQL, substitute S3StorageService for the implementation specific to your environment.

It will enable primary and previous writes while leaving reads pointed at previous.

  1. spinnaker:
  2. migration:
  3. primaryClass:
  4. previousClass:
  5. compositeStorageService:
  6. enabled: true
  7. reads:
  8. primary: false
  9. previous: true

Enable the migrator.

  1. spinnaker:
  2. migration:
  3. enabled: true

Lastly, you can enable primary reads and optionally fallback to previous if an object is not found.

  1. spinnaker:
  2. migration:
  3. compositeStorageService:
  4. reads:
  5. primary: true
  6. previous: true # set to `false` to disable fallback reads

Once you are satisfied with the migration, remove the spinnaker.migration block and disable the previous storage service.

How Netflix Migrated Front50 from S3 to SQL

The following steps were taken to live migrate Front50 at Netflix from S3 to SQL.

  1. Provision the database. In this case, a multi-AZ Aurora cluster was provisioned with 2 reader instances.
  2. A custom Spring profile was created and scoped to a temporary front50-sql-migration cluster. This profile had SQL, S3 and the migrator enabled (see above for configuration). The resulting cluster was not added to our load balancer and thus took no traffic.
  3. Verify the migration by looking at logs (search for StorageServiceMigrator) and the contents of the SQL database.
  4. Another custom Spring profile was created and scoped to a temporary front50-sql cluster. This profile had SQL, S3 and the composite storage service enabled with dual writes (see above for configuration).
  5. Verify that writes are happening against SQL and S3 (search for CompositeStorageService).
  6. Enable reads against SQL with spinnaker.migration.compositeStorageService.reads.primary: true.
  7. Verify reads are happening against SQL (search for CompositeStorageService).
  8. Disable reads against S3 with spinnaker.migration.compositeStorageService.reads.previous: false.
  9. Diable the migrator with spinnaker.migration.enabled: false.

To ensure safety, we migrated over the course of a week.

Our deployment pipelines were updated to include both SQL and non-SQL deploy stages, this made it easy to quickly revert/rollback along the way.

As of 2019-07, we are still running with the CompositeStorageService enabled (reads against SQL only, writes to SQL and S3) but the migrator has been disabled for a few months.

Last modified July 19, 2021: Correct key reference to S3 Storage Service (#127) (eb0a5e1)