Cloud Providers Overview

In Spinnaker, providers are integrations to the Cloud platforms you deploy your applications to.

In this section, you’ll register credentials for your Cloud platforms. Those credentials are known as Accounts in Spinnaker, and Spinnaker deploys your applications via those accounts.

Supported providers

All of Spinnaker’s abstractions and capabilities are built on top of the Cloud Providers that it supports. So, for Spinnaker to do anything you must enable at least one provider, with one Account added for it.

Add as many of the following providers as you need. When you’re done, return to this page.

See also <code>hal config provider</code> for command reference documentation.

Next steps

When you’ve finished setting up your cloud provider, you’re ready to choose an environment .

Amazon Web Services

Configuring AWS for Spinnaker

Kubernetes V2 Provider

The Kubernetes V2 Provider is the standard Kubernetes provider for Spinnaker. You can use it to deploy applications to a Kubernetes cluster.

Cloud Foundry

Spinnaker supports deploying applications to Cloud Foundry.

Docker Registry

Configure Spinnaker to use Docker as a source for images.

Google App Engine

Spinnaker supports deploying applications to Google App Engine.

Google Compute Engine

Spinnaker supports deploying applications to Google Compute Engine (GCE).

Kubernetes (legacy provider)

Last modified May 7, 2021: docs(migration): fix imgs and links (9a18ce6)