Flying Edition 2

This month’s issue focuses on ways that cloud providers, project governors, contributors, and operators have laid groundwork to make 2020 Spinnaker’s best year ever. With telemetry, a plugin framework, a hackathon, and new ways to install, manage, and integrate with Spinnaker, we’re ready to share the most mature and capable continuous delivery platform with literally everyone.

Laying the groundwork for Spinnaker success

This month’s issue focuses on ways that cloud providers, project governors, contributors, and operators have laid groundwork to make 2020 Spinnaker’s best year ever. With telemetry, a plugin framework, a hackathon, and new ways to install, manage, and integrate with Spinnaker, we’re ready to share the most mature and capable continuous delivery platform with literally everyone.

Deploy AWS Lambda With Spinnaker

This article on the AWS Open Source blog provides a step-by-step guide to creating and managing Lambda functions with Spinnaker. It announces that customers can now use the Spinnaker UI to register a Lambda function as a target type for a target group of an Application Load Balancer (ALB)!

Monitoring Spinnaker: SLA Metrics (“Is Spinnaker healthy?")

With this overview of key metrics that indicate Spinnaker health across its services, Rob Zienert shares Netflix best practices. This guide helps operators sort noise out from service-specific metrics and meaningful request/response info emitted by Spinnaker’s RPC-linked components. Rob also proposes a new project contribution, of useful metrics documentation.

Enable Spinnaker Usage Statistics Today!

In 2020, the vision of data-driven product development for Spinnaker has taken a big step forward with the implementation of Telemetry. For release 1.18.x, telemetry is opt-in, for testing and fine-tuning. You can help provide a clear picture by turning data collection on in your Spinnaker instance(s) now. As of 1.19.0+, telemetry will be enabled by default. See the linked community stats page for instructions and more info.

Plugin Creators Guide

Armory and Netflix engineers have built a plug-in framework that helps you extend Spinnaker without having to add custom stages. The new plugin system allows us to integrate services with Spinnaker outside of runtime, with clearly defined extension points to work from. The new Plugin Creators Guide walks us through creating a simple plugin. Use it as a starting point to build your own!

Continuous Delivery Summit Europe

The Continuous Delivery Summit will take place on March 30, 2020 in Amsterdam, as a Day 0 event at KubeCon EU. Hosted by the Continuous Delivery Foundation, this event will feature several talks from Spinnaker end-users and community members, as well as a project interoperability update and much more. Click the link for registration details.

Future of SRE: Robert Keng Builds a DeploymentBot #withSpinnaker

Hear from an interview with Robert Keng about a chatbot he built for Chime that deploys applications with Spinnaker. Learn how he managed constraints of developing against Slack, and his views on site reliability engineering, cloud native complexity, and the myth of DevOps.

Continuous Delivery using Spinnaker on Amazon EKS

In this AWS Open Source Blog post, Irshad Buchh outlines detailed instructions for installing and configuring Spinnaker via Halyard on Amazon EKS, proposing architecture for both CI and CD. He explains how to create an AWS Cloud9 environment and EKS clusters to host Spinnaker.

Install & Manage Spinnaker on GCP

Google’s guide to installing OSS Spinnaker on GCP explains how it adds value with a Cloud Shell-integrated management console, sample applications, and best practices for installing and running Spinnaker on GCP. This guided method offers an easy path to a production-ready configuration.

First Look: Community Gardening Days April 9-10

Announcing Community Gardening Days! Organized by Armory’s Community team and hosted by Salesforce at its San Francisco HQ, the first Spinnaker hackathon will be a free, collaborative, remote-friendly event. It will provide a unique opportunity to collaborate on Spinnaker extensions and projects to benefit YOU and your organization. Time to start brainstorming project ideas and gathering a team!

Last modified June 24, 2021: Redesign Progress (#83) (8231bcf)