Deploy GCS Pub/Sub Artifacts to Google App Engine

Trigger a pipeline from a Pub/Sub message from GCS upon upload of a tarball to App Engine.

The goal of this codelab is to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline with a Pub/Sub message from GCS upon upload of a tarball.

In this codelab, you will deploy artifacts to Google App Engine (GAE) via a Spinnaker pipeline. The pipeline is configured to trigger on Pub/Sub messages from a GCS bucket serving as an artifact repository. The Pub/Sub messages contain context that allows Spinnaker to parse and deploy the stored artifacts.

This codelab takes about an hour.


This codelab assumes you have a billing-enabled GCP project. Also, install gcloud if you haven’t already.

Set up your environment

Create a GCS bucket to store artifacts

In the environment where you have gcloud installed, run the following commands:

  1. $ BUCKET_NAME=gs://<some_name> && PROJECT_ID=<project_id>
  2. $ gcloud auth login
  3. $ gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID $BUCKET_NAME

Set up Google Cloud Pub/Sub to listen to bucket object changes

GCP documentation includes the steps for configuring GCS to publish Pub/Sub messages, but here is a summary.

  1. Enable the Cloud Pub/Sub API .

  2. Name your topic and subscription:

  1. TOPIC_NAME=<topic>
  2. SUBSCRIPTION_NAME=<subscription>
  1. Create the GCS Pub/Sub notification: gsutil notification create -t $TOPIC_NAME -f json $BUCKET_NAME.

  2. Verify with gsutil notification list $BUCKET_NAME.

  3. Create a pull subscription: gcloud pubsub subscriptions create $SUBSCRIPTION_NAME --topic $TOPIC_NAME.

Configure and deploy your Spinnaker instance

Configure Spinnaker to deploy to GAE

If Spinnaker is not yet configured, follow this Halyard quickstart , then configure the GAE cloud provider .

Note that while configuring the GAE cloud provider, you will create a service account with roles/storage.admin enabled and set two environment variables:

  1. SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=spinnaker-appengine-account
  2. SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST=~/.gcp/appengine-account.json

In addition to the roles/storage.admin, the service account also needs roles/pubsub.subscriber.

Add the role to the service account:

  1. gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
  2. --role roles/pubsub.subscriber \
  3. --member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL # service account email from GAE setup.

Optionally generate a new service account key:

  1. rm $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST && gcloud iam service-accounts keys create $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST \
  2. --iam-account $SA_EMAIL

We’ll need this service account later, so keep these environment variables handy.

Configure Spinnaker to listen to the Google Cloud Pub/Sub subscription

First, configure your GCS artifact provider.

  1. Enable artifact support .

  2. Enable the GCS artifact provider: hal config artifact gcs enable

  3. Add Spinnaker configuration for the GCS artifact provider’s account: hal config artifact gcs account add --json-path $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST my-artifact-account

Note that we’re using the environment variable set in configuring the GAE provider here.

Now configure Spinnaker to receive messages from your Google Cloud Pub/Sub subscription.

  1. Enable Google Pub/Sub: hal config pubsub google enable

  2. Add your subscription to Google Pub/Sub: hal config pubsub google subscription add --project $PROJECT_ID --json-path $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST --subscription-name $SUBSCRIPTION_NAME --message-format GCS my-gcs-subscription

Deploy Spinnaker with Halyard

Select a Spinnaker version: hal config version edit --version <version>. List the available versions with hal version list.

sudo hal deploy apply Wait a few minutes for the deploy to complete.

Configure your pipeline

  1. Create an application:

    a. Navigate to the Spinnaker UI by going to localhost:9000 in a browser.

    b. Create a new Spinnaker application by selecting Actions > Create Application.

    c. Give the application a name and an admin email. If you have more than one cloud provider configured, add ‘appengine’ to the Cloud Providers.

    d. Click the check box beside ‘Consider only cloud provider health when executing tasks’ and create the application.

  2. Create a new pipeline and add an expected artifact.

    a. Select the Pipelines tab in the Spinnaker UI and click Create to create a new pipeline.

    b. After naming the pipeline, you will be brought to the pipeline configuration screen.

    c. Add an artifact under the Expected Artifacts section of the pipeline configuration.

    d. Select GCS as the artifact type.

    e. In the Object path text box, put gs://$BUCKET_NAME/app.tar with the explicit value for the bucket name (Spinnaker won’t know about your environment variables).

  3. Configure a pipeline trigger.

    a. In the Automated Triggers configuration section, add a new trigger.

    b. Select ‘Pub/Sub’ as the trigger type.

    c. Select ‘google’ as the Pub/Sub System Type and select ‘my-gcs-subscription’ as the Subscription Name.

    d. Add an attribute constraint with key ‘eventType’ and value ‘OBJECT_FINALIZE’. This prevents your pipeline from triggering twice from one GCS event.

    e. Select the ‘…/app.tar’ expected artifact in the Expected Artifacts drop down.

    f. Save the pipeline with the Save Changes button in the bottom right corner of the pipeline configuration screen.

  4. Create and configure a deploy stage in your pipeline.

    a. Click Add stage near the top of the configuration screen to add a new stage.

    b. Select ‘Deploy’ as the stage Type. Click Add server group to open the server group configuration modal.

    c. In Basic Settings, select ‘GCS’ as the Source Type.

    d. Select ‘my-artifact-account’ as the Storage Account.

    e. Select ‘via pipeline artifact’ in Resolve URL.

    f. Select the ‘…/app.tar’ artifact in the Expected Artifact drop down.

    g. In Config Files, add ‘app.yaml’ in the Config Filepaths.

Package and upload your application to GCS

Acquire a “Hello World” application and upload to GCS

  1. Clone a sample GAE application: git clone

  2. Package your application as a tarball: cd python-docs-samples/appengine/standard/hello_world; tar -cvf app.tar *

  3. Upload the tarball to the GCS bucket: gsutil cp app.tar $BUCKET_NAME

Last modified May 7, 2021: docs(migration): fix imgs and links (9a18ce6)