Release Manager Runbook

Release process overview

Here’s a quick review of what the release process looks like from the community perspective:

If the builds break, you can take a look at some common issues to see if we’ve encountered them before.

Verify you have access

If you don’t have access to any of the following, contact a member of the TOC or SC.

One week before the branches are cut (Monday)

Ping #dev reminding everyone to merge outstanding changes by Monday:

The release manager will be cutting the $VERSION release branches next Tuesday, so if there are any outstanding PRs that you’d like to get into $VERSION, please make sure they are merged by EOD next Monday. Once the branch is cut, only fixes will be accepted into the release branches.

One day before the branches are cut (Monday)

Ping #dev reminding everyone to merge outstanding changes ASAP:

The release manager will be cutting the $VERSION release branches tomorrow morning, so if there are any outstanding PRs that you’d like to get into $VERSION, please make sure they are merged ASAP. Once the branch is cut, only fixes will be accepted into the release branches.

The day the branches are cut (Tuesday)

  1. If there are any outstanding autobump PRs , make the required fixes to allow them to merge. (You can ignore keel and swabbie; those repositories aren’t part of a Spinnaker release.)

  2. Start with a blue build on master .

  3. Create the release branches by running the Admin_StartReleaseBranch job, which creates latest-unvalidated when it passes:

    1. Set NEW_BRANCH_NAME to ${RELEASE_BRANCH} (e.g., release-1.20.x).

    2. Set BASE_BRANCH to master.

    • If the builds fail, Google Cloud Build is a helpful UI. Make sure to enable tags to the service name.

      Click to expand a GIF of how to view the tags

      Release Manager - 图1

  4. Deactivate the now-oldest Flow_BuildAndValidate_* flow by removing the schedule:

    1. Select the oldest flow.

    2. Click Configure from the left hand side of the menu.

    3. Scroll to the Build Triggers section.

    4. Cut text out of Schedule box (you will need to paste this in the following step).

    5. Save.

  5. Create a new Flow_BuildAndValidate_* flow for the release branch.

    1. Click New Item on the left hand side of the main menu.

    2. Set Name to Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE} (e.g., 1_18_x). Note that the newer versions of Jenkins seem to disallow the . character in the job name, so will want to s/./_.

    3. Set Copy from to Flow_BuildAndValidate.

    4. Click OK.

    5. In the Build Triggers section, paste cut text from the oldest flow.



    8. Save.

  6. At this point, the following Flow_BuildAndValidate_* jobs should exist:

    • Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE-3} (DEACTIVATED)

    • Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE-2} (BUILDING NIGHTLY)

    • Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE-1} (BUILDING NIGHTLY)

    • Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE} (BUILDING NIGHTLY)

    • Flow_BuildAndValidate (master, BUILDING SEVERAL TIMES DAILY)

  7. Run the Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE} job.

    1. Select stable for HALYARD_RELEASE_TRACK.

    2. This will automatically update the changelog gist on GitHub.

    3. Copy the direct link to the changelog for this version by searching for the release branch. For example: release-1.21.x.

  8. Add the new Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE} job to the public Build Statuses page . Remove the oldest job.

  9. Ping #dev with some version of this message, including a link to the correct section of the changelog gist found above.

    The release branches for Spinnaker $VERSION have been cut from master! Those branches are only accepting fixes for existing features. Please contact $YOUR_NAME (slack: $YOUR_SLACK_ID, github: $YOUR_GITHUB_ID, or email: $YOUR_EMAIL) if you would like a fix cherry-picked into the release. If you would like to highlight a specific fix or feature in the release’s changelog, please make a pull request against the curated changelog by Friday. If you’d like to jog your memory of everything to be released with Spinnaker $VERSION, see the raw changelog here: $LINK_TO_CHANGELOG.

  10. When the Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE} job passes, ping #dev with a message that the release candidate is now validated and can be tested.

    You are now welcome to test out the new release candidate for ${RELEASE} by running

    1. hal config version edit --version ${RELEASE_BRANCH}-latest-unvalidated

    If you’d like to see the BOM for this release, you can run

    1. hal version bom

One week after branches are cut (Monday)

  1. Audit backport candidates .

  2. Rerun the Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE} job and get a blue build.

  3. Create a new gist for this release.

    1. Log into GitHub as spinnaker-release. The group has access to the spinnaker-release GitHub account credentials .

    2. Create a new public gist to hold the release notes for this release branch.

    3. The description should be “Spinnaker 1.nn.x Release Notes” (e.g., Spinnaker 1.18.x Release Notes). The gist will eventually have a separate file with the release notes for each patch release on this branch.

    4. Add a file (e.g., to hold the release notes for the new release.

      Use this template to build the file:

      1. # Spinnaker Release ${nn.nn.nn}
      2. **_Note: This release requires Halyard version ${nn.nn.nn} or later._**
      3. This release includes fixes, features, and performance improvements across a wide feature set in Spinnaker. This section provides a summary of notable improvements followed by the comprehensive changelog.
      5. # Changelog
      6. ${RAW_CHANGE_LOG}

      a. Copy the changes for this release from the raw build changelog to the new file. Change the anchor tag in the link for your release version.

      b. Add the notes from the curated changelog to the top of the gist ( sample 1.nn.0 release notes ).

    5. Reset the curated changelog for the next release by removing all added notes and incrementing the version number in the heading.

  4. Run Publish_SpinnakerRelease:

    1. Spinnaker Version is “1.nn.0” (replacing nn with the version number).

    2. Spinnaker Release Alias should be the name of a Netflix original TV show converted to an alphanumeric string (e.g., “Gilmore Girls A Year in the Life”). The name must be unique among current active releases (releases returned by hal version list).

    3. BOM version is release-1.nn.x-latest-unvalidated (replace nn with the version number).

    4. The Gist URL is the URL to the gist you just created.

    5. Minimum Halyard version should remain unchanged unless you know of a reason to change it (in which case, please also change the default for new builds).

  5. Approve the spinnaker-announce email (link will come in email). You can approve the message in the spinnaker-announce group .

  6. Deprecate the n-3 release (i.e. when releasing 1.18, deprecate 1.15).

    1. From the Jenkins machine, run hal admin deprecate version --version ${VERSION_TO_DEPRECATE}.

    2. Make a PR against the deprecated changelog here , adding deprecated to the list of tags.

    3. Delete the associated Jenkins project (e.g., Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE-3}).

    4. Remove the changelog from the master gist . (While logged in as spinnaker-release, click “Edit”, scroll to the file, and click “Delete”.)

  7. At this point, the following Flow_BuildAndValidate_* jobs should exist:

    • Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE-2} (BUILDING NIGHTLY)

    • Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE-1} (BUILDING NIGHTLY)

    • Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE} (BUILDING NIGHTLY)

    • Flow_BuildAndValidate (master, BUILDING NIGHTLY)

  8. Ping the #spinnaker-releases channel to let them know that a new patch is available.

    Hot Tip! You can use giphy to tell everyone it’s released!

    /giphy #caption "Spinnaker {VERSION} has been released!" gif search query

  9. Publish a Spin CLI minor version.

    1. Each Spin CLI release is tied to a version of Gate. To ensure compatibility, regenerate the Gate Client API.

    2. From the gate repository, check out the release branch and generate the swagger/swagger.json file (it’s not under source control):

    1. ./swagger/
    1. From the spin repository, check out the release branch (release branches from gate and spin must match) and follow the instructions in that repo to update the gate client. This involves creating and merging a PR to spin release branch with the updated Gate Client API.

    2. If regenerating the Gate Client API produced any changes, kick off the Flow_BuildAndValidate_1.xx.x for the release branch and wait for a successful completion. This will trigger a downstream Build_PrimaryArtifacts job that we rely on later.

    3. Run Publish_SpinRelease with the following parameters:

      • SPIN_BUILD_VERSION_TO_RELEASE: This can be found in the build_spin files written by the Build_PrimaryArtifacts job. Use the version found in the most recent run of the Build_PrimaryArtifacts for the release branch. Note: The major-minor part of this version number should match the Gate version for the release branch. If it does not, double check that a tag for the previous minor version of Spin CLI exists. The build auto increments new tags based on the highest pre-existing minor tag.

      • BOM_VERSION: This is the BOM to associate the Spin CLI release with. It is the latest Spinnaker release number, 1.xx.x.

  10. Make a Sponnet GitHub release . Give it the same version as the newly released Spinnaker, with the tag prefixed with “v” (for example, v${RELEASE}).

Every subsequent Monday: Patch a previous Spinnaker version

Repeat weeklyish for each supported version.

  1. Audit backport candidates . To view what’s been merged into each release branch since the last release, see the changelog gist on Github.

  2. Rerun the Flow_BuildAndValidate_${RELEASE} job and get a blue build.

  3. Run Publish_SpinnakerPatchRelease:

    1. Enter the major and minor version of the release you’re patching (ex: 1.18) in MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION.

    2. All other fields can be left as defaults/blank.

    This looks for a currently active release with this major and minor version. It copies all parameters from that release (name, changelog gist, minimum Halyard version), increments the patch version, and triggers Publish_SpinnakerRelease with these parameters. In general, this is exactly the behavior we want, but if you need to override this behavior (such as to increment the minimum Halyard version in a patch release), you can call Publish_SpinnakerRelease directly and pass the exact parameters that you’d like the new release to have.

  4. After the job has completed, run hal version list and verify that the version you just released is listed, and the prior patch release for the minor version is no longer listed.

  5. Go to to Versions page and verify the following (leaving time for the site to rebuild):

    1. Verify the version you just released is listed.

    2. Verify the prior patch release for the minor version has been moved to the “Deprecated Versions” section.

    3. Verify the changelog for the new version looks correct. It should start with the changelog for the specific patch release, then list the changelog for each patch release of the minor version in reverse order.

  6. Ping the #spinnaker-releases channel to let them know that the new patch is available.

    Hot Tip! You can use giphy to tell everyone it’s released!

    /giphy #caption "Spinnaker {VERSION} has been released!" gif search query

  7. Approve the spinnaker-announce email (link will come in email). You can approve the message in the spinnaker-announce group .

Release minor-version Halyard

Repeat every 2-4 weeks as needed.

  1. Check for outstanding PRs.

  2. Run Flow_BuildAndValidate, selecting nightly Halyard. This will automatically check the “build Halyard” checkbox in the downstream Build_PrimaryArtifacts flow.

  3. After that passes, navigate to:


(insert correct JOB_NUMBER) and copy the version (it will be the entire string prior to the colon).

  1. Run Publish_HalyardRelease:

    1. Set HALYARD_BUILD_VERSION_TO_RELEASE to the version copied from the prior step.
  2. Post in #halyard that a new version of Halyard has been released.

    Hot Tip! You can use giphy to tell everyone it’s released!

    /giphy #caption "Halyard {VERSION} has been released!" gif search query

Release patch-version Halyard

Repeat as needed.

  1. Ensure you have audited all Halyard backport candidates .

  2. Run Build_Halyard:

    1. Set GITHUB_REPO_BRANCH to the release branch of Halyard (e.g., release-1.20.x).


  3. Run Publish_HalyardRelease:

    1. Set HALYARD_BUILD_VERSION_TO_RELEASE to pre-colon output from last_version_commit.yml of the prior job.
  4. Post in #halyard that a new version of Halyard has been released.

    Hot Tip! You can use giphy to tell everyone it’s released!

    /giphy #caption "Halyard {VERSION} has been released!" gif search query

Publish a new version of deck-kayenta

Repeat as needed.

Follow the instructions in deck-kayenta’s README .

Audit backport candidates

Repeat weekly.

  1. Audit each PR that has been labelled a backport candidate .

  2. If a candidate meets the [release branch patch criteria]({{> ref “releasing#release-branch-patch-criteria” >}}):

    1. Remove the backport-candidate label from the PR.

    2. Determine which versions the PR needs to be backported to. If it gets backported to an older version, all new versions should get the backport as well. Go only as far back as the supported stable versions .

    3. Add a comment instructing Mergify to create backport PRs against one or more release branches. For example, to create backport PRs against the 1.19, 1.20 and 1.21 release branches, comment:

      @Mergifyio backport release-1.19.x release-1.20.x release-1.21.x

    4. Approve and merge the backport PRs.

    5. If Mergify cannot create a backport because there are merge conflicts, ask the contributor to open a PR against the target release branches with their commits manually cherry-picked .

  3. If a candidate does not meet the release branch patch criteria , add an explanation to the contributor as a comment.

    1. If it’s impossible for the candidate to meet the criteria (for example, it doesn’t fix a regression), remove the backport-candidate label.

    2. If the contributor can amend the candidate to meet the criteria (for example, add test coverage), don’t remove the backport-candidate label.

Last modified December 22, 2021: docs(fix): Fix various encoding issues (#170) (0475fe5)