Life of a Deployment

sequenceDiagram Title: Life of a deployment participant Deck participant Gate participant Orca participant Clouddriver participant Redis participant Cloud Deck->>+Gate: Initiate Deploy orchestration Gate->>+Orca: Initiate Deploy orchestration Orca->>Redis: Persist new execution Orca—>>-Gate: Reply with orchestration id Gate—>>-Deck: Reply with orchestration id Note right of Orca: In worker thread Orca->>+Clouddriver: Initiate Deploy operation Clouddriver->>Redis: Persist new task Clouddriver—>>-Orca: Reply with task id Clouddriver-xCloud: Mutating calls activate Clouddriver Clouddriver->>Redis: Mark task completed deactivate Clouddriver Loop In worker thread Orca->>Clouddriver: Poll until task completion Clouddriver->>Redis: Query task status Orca->>Redis: Update execution state end Loop In worker thread Orca->>Clouddriver: Poll until instances are up Clouddriver->>Redis: Query server group/instance state from cache Orca->>Redis: Mark execution completed end Loop In background thread Deck->>Gate: Poll until orchestration completion Gate->>Orca: Query orchestration status Orca->>Redis: Query execution status end

Last modified August 16, 2021: Remove duplicate sequence diagram (#133) (44e753f)