
Spinnaker supports custom log configuration including structured logging.

There are two logging options in Spinnaker:

  1. basic logging - set root (default) and Java Class log levels.
  2. advanced logging with logback - configurable log levels, structured JSON output and other features.

The JSON log format available with logback provides the following key advantages:

  1. Logging providers index JSON formatted structured logs enabling rich query capabilities.
  2. Multi-line Java exceptions become a single log line with the exception details stored in the stack_trace key.
  3. JSON log events can include more information like: X-SPINNAKER-EXECUTION-ID and X-SPINNAKER-REQUEST-ID

Basic logging

Add the following per service (eg: orca-local.yml) or to a shared spinnaker-local.yml file.

  1. logging:
  2. level:
  3. # Enable debug logging by changing level to DEBUG
  4. root: INFO # default
  5. # Example setting per class log level output
  6. # Disable logging out `Evaluated 27 expression(s) - ({ json file })
  7. # com.netflix.spinnaker.orca.pipeline.util.ContextParameterProcessor: WARN

Advanced logging with logback

For more information see the manual: https://logback.qos.ch/manual/index.html


  1. Create a file called logback.xml per Service or to share with below contents:

    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2. <configuration>
    3. <appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
    4. <!-- Default is JSON - https://github.com/logstash/logstash-logback-encoder#data-format -->
    5. <encoder class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder" />
    6. </appender>
    7. <!-- Enable debug logging by changing level to DEBUG -->
    8. <root level="INFO">
    9. <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />
    10. </root>
    11. </configuration>
  2. Mount logback.xml into your Spinnaker services at a known path like /opt/spinnaker/config/logback.xml.

    For Kubernetes you may wish to use a ConfigMap .


    It’s not possible to create an arbitrary ConfigMap with Halyard so instead you will need to:

    1. In Kubernetes, create a ConfigMap with logback.xml.

    2. In Halyard, mount the ConfigMap using Service Settings - custom volumes .

      Note: subPath is not available in Halyard so the logback.xml file must be mounted into its own directory. For example: /opt/spinnaker/config/logging/logback.xml

  3. Configure Spinnaker services to load logback.xml.

    In each of the service files (eg: orca-local.yml) or in a shared file (spinnaker-local.yml) replace any existing logging: configuration with:

    1. logging:
    2. config: /opt/spinnaker/config/logback.xml # change path as necessary

Set log level per class

Logging for some classes can be verbose and it may be preferable to log less.

For example, if the root log level is INFO you may wish exclude INFO log output and log at WARN and below.

  1. <!-- Disable logging of SPeL evaluation errors due to log volume -->
  2. <!-- `Failed to evaluate {}` -->
  3. <logger name="com.netflix.spinnaker.kork.expressions.ExpressionTransform" level="WARN" />
  4. <!-- Disable logging out `Evaluated 27 expression(s) - ({ json file }) -->
  5. <logger name="com.netflix.spinnaker.orca.pipeline.util.ContextParameterProcessor" level="WARN" />

Filter log keys

Add an <excludeMdcKeyName> block inside the <encoder> block like so:

  1. <encoder class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder">
  2. <!-- Exclude key from output due to long line lengths when a lot of accounts configured -->
  3. <excludeMdcKeyName>X-SPINNAKER-ACCOUNTS</excludeMdcKeyName>
  4. </encoder>

Last modified February 24, 2022: docs(setup): Add general logging and logback instructions (#184) (4a9f33e)