Bitbucket File

A Bitbucket file artifact is a reference to a file stored in Bitbucket.

These artifacts are generally consumed by stages that read configuration from text files, such as a Deploy Manifest stage.

Bitbucket file artifact in the UI

The pipeline UI exposes the following fields for the Bitbucket file artifact:

AccountA Bitbucket artifact account.
File pathThe full path (including filename) for retrieval via the Bitbucket API. Example:$ORG/$REPO/src/$VERSION/$FILEPATH.

In a trigger

When configuring certain triggers, you can use a Bitbucket file as an expected artifact.

{% include figure image_path=”./expected-artifact-bitbucket-file.png” caption=”Configuring Bitbucket file fields in a pipeline trigger’s expected artifact settings.” %}

In a pipeline stage

When configuring a “Deploy (Manifest)” or “Deploy” stage, you can use a Bitbucket file as a manifest or application artifact. You can either use a previously-defined artifact (for example, an artifact defined in a trigger) or define an artifact inline.

Bitbucket file artifact in a pipeline definition

The following are the fields that make up a Bitbucket file artifact:

typeAlways bitbucket/file.
referenceThe full path (including filename) for retrieval via the Bitbucket API. Example:$ORG/$REPO/src/$VERSION/$FILEPATH.
nameThe path to the file within your repository. Example: path/to/file.yml.
versionN/A–must be specified in reference.

The following is an example JSON representation of a Bitbucket file artifact, as it would appear in a pipeline definition:

  1. {
  2. "type": "bitbucket/file",
  3. "reference": "",
  4. "name": "manifests/config.yaml"
  5. }

Last modified July 1, 2021: docs(fix): fix internal links (#98) (d74c3a4)