Google Summer of Code

Information about working on Spinnaker as part of Google Summer of Code.

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an opportunity for students to get involved with open source projects! It’s a great opportunity to gain real life experience and hopefully be inspired by the many who are continuously contributing to projects every day. Getting involved in active communities are a great way to jump start your career!

This page is a list of accepted ideas prepared specifically for Spinnaker , an open-source multi-cloud continuous delivery platform. The following list is non-exclusive, therefore if you’re passionate about a different project, we’re happy to review it! It should meet the GSoC project guidelines and would require at least 1 mentor that we can try to help pair.

ProjectRelated Skillsets
Gamifying SpinnakerGamifying is more than just giving users a pat on the back. It can influence good behavior and set guidance towards learning new skills. Companies could also use this data to find experienced users within their organizations. While the sky is the limit, let’s find what mechanics inspire you and bring that to life in Spinnaker!Available Mentor(s): Dan Johnston, Fernando FreireJavascript
Build-a-PluginMake a plugin to integrate Spinnaker with your favorite service / tool! Learn about Spinnaker and its Plugin Framework by creating a plugin for Spinnaker. Once the plugin is built, we will work together to add the plugin into the OSS Spinnaker Plugin Repository.Available Mentor(s): Cameron Motevasselani, Dan JohnstonJava
Release ImprovementPossible projects could include showing code coverage for projects, “X days since last deploy failure” signs and more!Available Mentor(s): Cameron Motevasselani, Fernando FreireJava
Github Actions
Testing frameworks
Mobile-first Spinnaker ExperienceBuild a mobile-first Spinnaker experience that gives users a quick and easy way to get at-a-glance intelligence about their cloud infrastructure, with easy hooks for taking the most common CD actions on the go.Available Mentor(s): Fernando Freire, Dan JohnstonAll Optional

Past Projects



Last modified August 3, 2021: docs(site): add GSoC info for 2021 (#131) (90e1287)