
In Azure , an Account maps to a credential able to authenticate against a given Azure subscription .


You need a Service Principal to authenticate with Azure and a Key Vault to store a default username/ssh public key for deployed VM Scale Sets . The next steps assume the use of the Azure CLI 2.0 . The example commands will set environment variables along the way for use when creating an account in the final stage. You can check that you have az installed by running:

  1. az --version

First, log in and set your subscription:

  1. az login
  2. az account list
  3. SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<Insert Subscription ID>
  4. az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID

Next, create a Service Principal (where the name is unique in your subscription) and set environment variables based on the output:

  1. az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "Spinnaker"
  2. APP_ID=<Insert App Id>
  3. TENANT_ID=<Insert Tenant Id>

NOTE: You will need the App Key (also called password) when creating an account, but you will be prompted on standard input for that since it is sensitive data.

Next, create a resource group for your Key Vault. Make sure to specify a location (e.g. westus) available in your account:

  1. az account list-locations --query [].name
  2. RESOURCE_GROUP="Spinnaker"
  3. az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location <Insert Location>

Finally, create a Key Vault (where the vault name is globally unique) and add a default username/ssh public key. This credential is used to provision all Azure VM scale sets by default. You can log on to VM instances in VM scale sets with this credential.

  1. VAULT_NAME=<Insert Vault Name>
  2. az keyvault create --enabled-for-template-deployment true --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $VAULT_NAME
  3. az keyvault set-policy --secret-permissions get --name $VAULT_NAME --spn $APP_ID
  4. az keyvault secret set --name VMUsername --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --value <Insert default username>
  5. az keyvault secret set --name VMSshPublicKey --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --value <Insert default SSH public key>

If you prefer to use password instead of SSH public key, then replace

  1. az keyvault secret set --name VMSshPublicKey --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --value <Insert default SSH public key>


  1. az keyvault secret set --name VMPassword --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --value <Insert default password>

Follow the Azure VM username and password rules documented here .

Adding an account

First, make sure the provider is enabled:

  1. hal config provider azure enable

Next, run the following hal command to add an account named my-azure-account to your list of Azure accounts:

  1. hal config provider azure account add my-azure-account \
  2. --client-id $APP_ID \
  3. --tenant-id $TENANT_ID \
  4. --subscription-id $SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
  5. --default-key-vault $VAULT_NAME \
  6. --default-resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
  7. --packer-resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
  8. --app-key


  1. You will be prompted for the App Key on standard input. If necessary, you can generate a new key: az ad sp credential reset --name $APP_ID
  2. Starting from Halyard v1.19, SSH public key will be used to provision VM scale set by default. If you prefer to use password, add the parameter
    --useSshPublicKey "false" \
    Prior to Halyard v1.19, the default credential option is password and halyard does not support the above parameter to switch the option to SSH public key.
    Secret values of either the SSH public key or password are stored in the Azure key vault specified by the parameter --default-key-vault, in which the stored secret names are called “VMPassword” and “VMSshPublicKey”, separately.
  3. The Azure regions used by default are “eastus” and “westus”. If you would like to add custom regions, add the parameter
    --regions <input regions seperated by comma without quotation marks> \

Advanced account settings

You can view the available configuration flags for Azure within the Halyard reference .

Next steps

Optionally, you can set up another cloud provider , but otherwise you’re ready to choose an environment in which to install Spinnaker.

Last modified May 7, 2021: docs(migration): fix imgs and links (9a18ce6)