Echo: Cassandra to In-Memory

Configuring Echo to use an in-memory scheduler.

Echo’s scheduler can be run completely in-memory. On startup or redeploy, echo will check cron schedules to see if it needs to retroactively execute any missed triggers. This migration only requires configuration changes.

1. Disable Cassandra in echo.yml

  1. spinnaker:
  2. cassandra:
  3. enabled: false

2. Enable in-memory backend in echo.yml

  1. spinnaker:
  2. inMemory:
  3. enabled: true

3. Enable the scheduler compensation job in echo.yml

  1. scheduler:
  2. compensationJob:
  3. enabled: true
  4. windowMs: 1800000 # optional

The windowMs property dictates how far in the past echo will look to find missed schedules. By default this is 30 minutes.

4. Deploy new Echo

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