Exporting for Universal Windows Platform

There’s no extra requirement to export an .appx package that can be installed as a Windows App or submitted to the Windows Store. Exporting UWP packages also works from any platform, not only from Windows.

However, if you want to install and run the app, you need to sign it with a trusted signature. Currently, Godot does not support signing of packages, so you need to use external tools to do so.

Also, make sure the Publisher Name you set when exporting the package matches the name used on the certificate.

Limitations on Xbox One

As described in the UWP documentation:

  • Submitted as an “App”

    • available memory is 1GB
    • share of 2-4 CPU cores
    • shared access of GPU power (45%)
  • Submitted as a “Game” (through Xbox Live Creators Program)

    • available memory is 5GB
    • 4 exclusive CPU cores and 2 shared CPU cores
    • exclusive access to GPU power (100%)
  • Exceeding these memory limitations will cause allocation failures and the application will crash.

Creating a signing certificate

This requires the MakeCert.exe and Pvk2Pfx.exe tools, which come with the Windows SDK. If you use Visual Studio, you can open one of its Developer Prompts, since it comes with these tools and they can be located in the path.

You can get more detailed instructions from Microsoft’s documentation.aspx).

First, run MakeCert to create a private key:

  1. MakeCert /n publisherName /r /h 0 /eku "," /e expirationDate /sv MyKey.pvk MyKey.cer

Where publisherName matches the Publisher Name of your package and expirationDate is in the mm/dd/yyyy format.

Next, create a Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) file using Pvk2Pfx.exe:

  1. Pvk2Pfx /pvk MyKey.pvk /pi pvkPassword /spc MyKey.cer /pfx MyKey.pfx [/po pfxPassword]

If you don’t specify a password with /po argument, the PFX will have the same password as the private key.

You will also need to trust this certificate in order to be able to install your app. Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following command:

  1. Certutil -addStore TrustedPeople MyKey.cer

Signing the package

Finally, use SignTool.exe from the Windows SDK or Visual Studio:

  1. SignTool sign /fd SHA256 /a /f MyKey.pfx /p pfxPassword package.appx

Installing the package

As of the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, you are able to install packages simply by double clicking the .appx file from Windows Explorer.

It’s also possible to install by using the Add-AppxPackage PowerShell cmdlet.


If you want to update your already installed app, you must update the version number on the new package or first uninstall the previous package.