
Inherits: Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Inherited By: Area2D, PhysicsBody2D

Category: Core

Brief Description

Base node for 2D collision objects.




void_input_event ( Object viewport, InputEvent event, int shape_idx ) virtual
intcreate_shape_owner ( Object owner )
RIDget_rid ( ) const
floatget_shape_owner_one_way_collision_margin ( int owner_id ) const
Arrayget_shape_owners ( )
boolis_shape_owner_disabled ( int owner_id ) const
boolis_shape_owner_one_way_collision_enabled ( int owner_id ) const
voidremove_shape_owner ( int owner_id )
intshape_find_owner ( int shape_index ) const
voidshape_owner_add_shape ( int owner_id, Shape2D shape )
voidshape_owner_clear_shapes ( int owner_id )
Objectshape_owner_get_owner ( int owner_id ) const
Shape2Dshape_owner_get_shape ( int owner_id, int shape_id ) const
intshape_owner_get_shape_count ( int owner_id ) const
intshape_owner_get_shape_index ( int owner_id, int shape_id ) const
Transform2Dshape_owner_get_transform ( int owner_id ) const
voidshape_owner_remove_shape ( int owner_id, int shape_id )
voidshape_owner_set_disabled ( int owner_id, bool disabled )
voidshape_owner_set_one_way_collision ( int owner_id, bool enable )
voidshape_owner_set_one_way_collision_margin ( int owner_id, float margin )
voidshape_owner_set_transform ( int owner_id, Transform2D transform )


Emitted when an input event occurs. Requires input_pickable to be true and at least one collision_layer bit to be set. See _input_event for details.

  • mouse_entered ( )

Emitted when the mouse pointer enters any of this object’s shapes. Requires input_pickable to be true and at least one collision_layer bit to be set.

  • mouse_exited ( )

Emitted when the mouse pointer exits all this object’s shapes. Requires input_pickable to be true and at least one collision_layer bit to be set.


CollisionObject2D is the base class for 2D physics objects. It can hold any number of 2D collision Shape2Ds. Each shape must be assigned to a shape owner. The CollisionObject2D can have any number of shape owners. Shape owners are not nodes and do not appear in the editor, but are accessible through code using the shape_owner_* methods.

Property Descriptions

  • bool input_pickable

If true, this object is pickable. A pickable object can detect the mouse pointer entering/leaving, and if the mouse is inside it, report input events. Requires at least one collision_layer bit to be set.

Method Descriptions

Accepts unhandled InputEvents. Requires input_pickable to be true. shape_idx is the child index of the clicked Shape2D. Connect to the input_event signal to easily pick up these events.

Creates a new shape owner for the given object. Returns owner_id of the new owner for future reference.

  • RID get_rid ( ) const

Returns the object’s RID.

  • float get_shape_owner_one_way_collision_margin ( int owner_id ) const

  • Array get_shape_owners ( )

Returns an Array of owner_id identifiers. You can use these ids in other methods that take owner_id as an argument.

  • bool is_shape_owner_disabled ( int owner_id ) const

If true, the shape owner and its shapes are disabled.

  • bool is_shape_owner_one_way_collision_enabled ( int owner_id ) const

Returns true if collisions for the shape owner originating from this CollisionObject2D will not be reported to collided with CollisionObject2Ds.

  • void remove_shape_owner ( int owner_id )

Removes the given shape owner.

  • int shape_find_owner ( int shape_index ) const

Returns the owner_id of the given shape.

  • void shape_owner_add_shape ( int owner_id, Shape2D shape )

Adds a Shape2D to the shape owner.

  • void shape_owner_clear_shapes ( int owner_id )

Removes all shapes from the shape owner.

  • Object shape_owner_get_owner ( int owner_id ) const

Returns the parent object of the given shape owner.

  • Shape2D shape_owner_get_shape ( int owner_id, int shape_id ) const

Returns the Shape2D with the given id from the given shape owner.

  • int shape_owner_get_shape_count ( int owner_id ) const

Returns the number of shapes the given shape owner contains.

  • int shape_owner_get_shape_index ( int owner_id, int shape_id ) const

Returns the child index of the Shape2D with the given id from the given shape owner.

Returns the shape owner’s Transform2D.

  • void shape_owner_remove_shape ( int owner_id, int shape_id )

Removes a shape from the given shape owner.

  • void shape_owner_set_disabled ( int owner_id, bool disabled )

If true, disables the given shape owner.

  • void shape_owner_set_one_way_collision ( int owner_id, bool enable )

If enable is true, collisions for the shape owner originating from this CollisionObject2D will not be reported to collided with CollisionObject2Ds.

  • void shape_owner_set_one_way_collision_margin ( int owner_id, float margin )

  • void shape_owner_set_transform ( int owner_id, Transform2D transform )

Sets the Transform2D of the given shape owner.