

Krita offers extensive functionality for color management, utilising Little CMS We describe Color Management in a more overall level here: 色彩管理流程.




当从其它应用程序粘贴至 Krita 时

如果需要的话,用户可以定义 Krita 将对从其他应用程序(如浏览器、GIMP 等)复制的图像执行何种类型的转换。

假定使用 sRGB 色彩空间

此选项将假定粘贴的图像使用 Krita 的默认 sRGB 色彩配置文件。




作为默认设置,Krita 将在每次粘贴图像时询问用户如何处理。


在 Krita 中复制和粘贴时, 始终会保留色彩空间信息。


This option will turn on Blackpoint Compensation for the conversion. BPC is explained by the maintainer of LCMS as following:

BPC is a sort of “poor man’s” gamut mapping. It basically adjust contrast of images in a way that darkest tone of source device gets mapped to darkest tone of destination device. If you have an image that is adjusted to be displayed on a monitor, and want to print it on a large format printer, you should realize printer can render black significantly darker that the screen. So BPC can do the adjustment for you. It only makes sense on Relative colorimetric intent. Perceptual and Saturation does have an implicit BPC.

允许 LittleCMS 优化

Uncheck this option to turn off optimizations. Sometimes, in case of working with linear colorspaces, the optimizations Little CMS does will not give the best results.

在 5.0 版更改: Since Krita 5.0, we ship the fast-float plugin for LittleCMS. Turning this option off will also turn off the fast float plugin.

Enforce palette colors: always select the nearest color from the active palette

By default, palette selection widgets take the current foreground color, compare it to the swatches in its active palette and highlight the swatch that is nearest to the current foreground color.

When Enforce palette colors option is checked, it switches the internal color selector into a mode in which, instead of just highlighting the swatch, the current foreground color is replaced with the color of the nearest swatch.



This option when selected will tell Krita to use the ICC profile selected in your system preferences.

Screen Profiles

There are as many of these as you have screens connected. The user can select an ICC profile which Krita will use independent of the monitor profile set in system preferences. The default is sRGB built-in. On Unix systems, profile stored in $/usr/share/color/icc (system location) or $~/.local/share/color/icc (local location) will be proposed. Profile stored in Krita preference folder, $~/.local/share/krita/profiles will be visible only in Krita.


Your choice of rendering intents is a way of telling Littlecms how you want colors mapped from one color space to another. There are four options available, all are explained on the ICC 特性文件 manual page.


These allow you to configure the default softproofing options. To configure the actual softproofing for the current image, go to Image ‣ Image Properties ‣ Softproofing .

有关如何使用软打样的详细信息,请参看 软打样