

In a digital program like Krita you have something similar. We call this a brush engine. And much like how cars have different engines that give different feels when driving, or how pencils make distinctly different marks than roller ball pens, different brush engines have totally different feels.


和 Photoshop 不同,Krita 的笔尖和笔刷预设并不是一回事。笔尖就像是一个扁平的图章,而笔刷预设则使用笔尖配合其他选项构建出一个完整的笔刷。


To start, the Brush Settings Editor panel can be accessed in the toolbar, between the Choose brush preset button on the right and the Fill Patterns button on the left. Alternately, you can use the F5 key to open it.




笔刷选项下拉面板被分为 6 个区域。

Section A – General Information

This contains the Preset Icon, Live Brush Preview, the Preset Name, the Engine name, and several buttons for saving, renaming, and reloading.

Krita’s brush settings are stored into the metadata of a 200×200 PNG (the KPP file), where the image in the PNG file becomes the preset icon. This icon is used everywhere in Krita, and is useful for differentiating brushes in ways that the live preview cannot.

笔刷预览图会显示当前笔刷画出的一条略具 S 形的曲线。它从左到右压力逐渐增大,能够显示压力、笔迹走向、距离、淡化和随机度 (笔尖) 等传感器的效果,但无法显示其他效果。有些笔刷引擎无法正常显示预览。颜色涂抹、滤镜还有克隆引擎的笔刷会显示交替色块的背景图案,因为它们依赖画布上的已有颜色来营造效果。

After the preset name, there’s a button for renaming the brush. This will save the brush as a new brush and deactivate the previous brush.


The engine of a brush is the underlying programming that generates the stroke from a brush. What that means is that different brush engines have different options and different results. You can see this as the difference between using crayons, pencils and inks, but because computers are math devices, most of our brush engines produce different things in a more mathematical way.



If you change a preset, an icon will appear behind the engine name. This is the Reload the brush preset button. You can use it to revert to the original brush settings.


On the right, there’s Save New Brush Preset… and Overwrite Brush buttons.

Save New Brush Preset…






The image on the left is a mini scratch pad, you can draw on it with the current brush, allowing small modifications on the fly.

Brush Name:

The Name of your brush. This is also used for the KPP file. If there’s already a brush with that name, it will effectively overwrite it.



Load Scratch Pad Thumbnail

把笔刷选项面板右侧绘图区 (C 区) 的虚线方框区域载入到缩略图区域。








为了让预设图标制作起来更方便,Krita 准备了一个图标库。


It allows you to select tool icons, and an optional small emblem. When you press OK it will load the resulting combination into the mini scratch pad, and you can draw in the stroke.

If you go to your resources folder, there’s a folder there called preset\_icons, and in this folder there are tool\_icons and emblem\_icons. You can add semi-transparent PNGs here and Krita will load those into the icon library as well, so you can customize your icons even more!

在预设图标库对话框的右上角有三个滑动条,你可以用它们调整图标的颜色。色相、饱和度滑动条的作用和 HSL 颜色调整滤镜相同,而亮度滑动条是一个简单的亮度滤镜。此亮度滤镜会保持图标原图中最暗的阴影和最亮的高光,让快速调整更加方便。

完成命名和绘制图标之后,在 保存为新笔刷预设 对话框点击 保存,Krita 就会把这个新笔刷保存到硬盘。

Section B – The Preset Chooser

The preset chooser is much the same as the preset docker and the preset drop-down on the F6 key. It’s unique in that it allows you to filter by engine and this is also where you can create brushes for an engine from scratch.



再往下可以看到一个 “+” 按钮,点击后会弹出 Krita 的全部笔刷引擎列表。从列表中选取一个引擎,面板中间的 E 区就会加载该引擎的笔刷选项。

The trashcan icon does the same as it does in the preset docker: delete, or rather, deactivate a preset, so it won’t show up in the list.

Section C – The Scratch pad



When saving a new preset, you can choose to get the icon from the scratch pad, this will load the dash area into the mini scratch pad of the Save New Brush Preset dialog.

The scratch pad has five buttons underneath it. These are in order for:

  1. Fill area with brush preset icon

  2. Fill area with current image

  3. Fill area with gradient (useful for smudge brushes)

  4. Fill area with background color

  5. Reset area to white

Section D – The Options List

The options, as stated above, are different per brush engine. These represent the different parameters, toggles and knobs that you can turn to make a brush preset unique. For a couple of options, the main things to change are sliders and checkboxes, but for a lot of them, they use curves instead.

Some options can be toggled, as noted by the little checkboxes next to them, but others, like flow and opacity are so fundamental to how the brush works, that they are always on.


Section E – Option Configuration Widget

前面介绍的 D 区是选项的列表,而 E 区则是选项的具体内容,你可以在这里对它们进行修改。






在笔刷选项的曲线图顶部有一系列常用的曲线按钮,只需点击一下即可切换。画细线有困难的人可以使用倒数第二个按钮,它是一条下凹的斜线;而画粗线有困难的可以使用第三个按钮,它是一条 S 形线。


Share curve across all settings


Curves calculation mode:

此选项控制不同传感器曲线的协同效果。曲线的输出数值在 0 到 1.0 的区间上,如果一条曲线的输出是 0.5,另外一条曲线的输出是 0.7,那么……

  • 相乘

    把两者数值相乘,0.5 x 0.7 = 0.35。


    把两者数值相加,最大值 1.0。因为 0.5 + 0.7 = 1.2,所以截为 1.0。


    比较两者数值,取其中最大值。此例子中数值为 0.5 和 0.7,因此结果为 0.7。


    比较两者数值,取其中最小值。此例子中数值为 0.5 和 0.7,因此结果为 0.5。


    用两者数值的最大值减去最小值,因此 0.7 - 0.5 = 0.2。



第 1、2 组是常规曲线,其余的则应用了不同的计算模式。

  1. 笔刷大小与距离传感器关联。

  2. 笔刷大小与淡化传感器相关联。

  3. 笔刷大小与淡化、距离传感器数值的相乘结果相关联。

  4. 笔刷大小与淡化、距离传感器数值的相加结果相关联。线条明显更粗。

  5. 笔刷大小与淡化、距离传感器数值里面的最大值相关联。

  6. 笔刷大小与淡化、距离传感器数值里面的最小值相关联。

  7. 笔刷大小与淡入、距离传感器数值两者的差值相关联。

Section F – Miscellaneous options

Eraser switch size

勾选此选项后,按 E 切换的擦除模式将独立保存笔刷大小。

Eraser switch opacity


Temporarily save tweaks to preset

勾选此选项后,Krita 会暂时保留对预设选项的修改,直至当前会话结束。重新启动 Krita 之后,所有选项将被恢复为预设的默认值。如果某个预设选项已被改动,它在笔刷预设面板中的图标左上会显示一个角标。



Instant preview



There is a 画布上的笔刷编辑器. If you open up the pop-up palette, there should be an icon on the bottom-right. Press that to show the on-canvas brush settings. You will see several sliders here, to quickly make small changes.





First, open the settings with the F5 key.

Then, press the arrow on the upper left to open the preset chooser. There, press the “+” icon to get a list of engines. For this brush we’re going to make a pixel brush.


  1. 在笔刷选项面板右侧的绘图区感受一下当前笔刷的效果。如果一切正常,笔刷的直径应该为 5px,压感笔的压力控制笔刷的不透明度。

  2. 让我们先把不透明度选项关闭。在笔刷预设选择器右边的列表选中 不透明度 选项,你会发现面板中间的选项变成了曲线图,这是压感笔传感器的响应曲线。

  3. 取消勾选 启用压感笔传感器选项。

  4. 在绘图区试用一下,你会发现还是有一些东西在影响不透明度,这是 流量 选项在作怪。

  5. 从刚才的列表中选中流量选项。流量的作用和不透明度相似,但也有本质的不同。流量控制一条笔画中每次笔尖印迹的透明度,而不透明度控制一条完整笔画的透明度。

  6. 取消勾选流量选项中的 启用压感笔传感器选项。现在再到绘图区试试效果。

  7. 现在这个笔刷开始有点勾线笔的样子了。不过它还是太细,而且边缘也显得太硬。要改善这些不足,单击笔刷引擎选项列表中的 笔尖 选项。

  8. 在这个选项页面里,直径选项控制笔尖大小。你可以拖动滑动条调整笔刷大小,也可以右键单击滑动条后输入一个数值。把直径设为 25,然后再到绘图区试试看。现在效果应该大为改观。

  9. Now to make the brush feel a bit softer, turn down the fade parameter to about 0.9. This’ll give the brush mask a softer edge.

  10. 然而这次修改后效果却不太明显。这是因为笔尖印迹的间距太近造成的:笔尖印迹间距越小,笔尖印迹就会相互重叠,造成硬边效果。笔尖间距默认为 0.1,这是比较小的。如果你把它设为 10,就会明白其中奥妙了。勾选间距参数的 自动 复选框,将间距设为 0.8,这就是勾线笔刷的最佳数值。记得右键单击可以直接输入数字。

  11. Now, when you test, the fade seems to have a normal effect… except on the really small sizes, which look jagged. To get rid of that, check the anti-aliasing check box. If you test again, the lines should be much nicer now.


When you’re satisfied, go to the upper left and select Save New Brush Preset… button.

这将打开“保存新笔刷预设”对话框。将笔刷名称改为“你想要的笔刷名称”。然后单击 从图标库载入缩略图,打开预设图标库。选择一个好看的工具图标,然后单击 确定。


Finally, press Save, and your brush should be done.



在笔刷引擎选项列表里选中 大小 ,确保已经在曲线图左边的传感器列表里勾选了“压力”选项。如果你想要施加很小的压力就可以画出全宽度的线条,请先在曲线上点击一下,这样可以创建一个节点,把这个节点拉到曲线图偏左上的位置。节点越靠近左上角,效果就越明显。如果你想要施加再大的压力也不会画得太粗,就反过来把节点向右下角拉。这样的笔刷适合勾画细节。调整结束之后,别忘了保存或者覆盖你的笔刷预设。


在笔刷引擎选项列表里选中 流量 ,把刚才取消的 启用压感笔选项 重新勾选。你会发现笔画现在又貌似变得太柔和了。在曲线上点击以创建一个节点,把这个节点拉到曲线图左上角网格的底边中间点附近。现在当你用轻柔的压力描绘时,线条会更加柔和,而当你加大压力时,线条边缘又会变得硬朗起来。



The recommended way to share brushes and presets is by using the Resource Bundle system. We have detailed instructions on how to use them on the resource management page.




  1. A paintoppreset file: This is the preset proper, with the icon and the curves stored inside.

  2. A Brush file: This is the brush tip. When using masked brushes, there are two of these.

  3. 单个图案文件:在使用纹理时会用得到。


To find those resources, go to Settings ‣ Manage Resources… ‣ Open Resource Folder.

There, the preset file will be inside paintoppresets, the brush tips inside brushes and the texture inside patterns.

导入单个 KPP 文件。

Now, if you want to use the single preset, you should go to the preset chooser on the F6 key and press the folder icon there. This will give a file dialog. Navigate to the KPP file and open it to import it.

If there are brush tips and patterns coming with the file, do the same with pattern via the pattern docker, and for the brush-tip go to the settings drop-down (F5) and then go to the brush-tip option. There, select predefined brush, and then the import button to call up the file dialog.

You can also use the import button in Settings ‣ Manage Resources….

旧式 ZIP 预设文件包

Sharing via ZIP should be replaced with resource bundles, but older brush packs are stored in ZIP files.

如何使用 ZIP 打包的资源文件

  1. Go to Settings ‣ Manage Resources… ‣ Open Resource Folder to open the resource folder.

  2. Then, open up the ZIP file.

  3. Copy the brushes, paintoppresets and patterns folders from the ZIP file to the resource folder. You should get a prompt to merge the folders, agree to this.

  4. 重新启动 Krita。

  5. 尽情使用新笔刷吧!