
Tags are how you organize common types of resources. They can be used with brushes, gradients, patterns, and even brush tips. You can select them from a drop-down menu above the resources. Selecting a tag will filter all the resources by that tag. Selecting the tag of All will show all resources. Krita comes installed with a few default tags. You can create and edit your own as well. The tags are managed similarly across the different types of resources.

你可以配合 浮动画具板 功能使用标签,提高工作效率。




This page has a few common things you can do with tags. For more information about tags, check the 标签 section on the resource management page.


By pressing the + next to the tag selection, you will get an option to add a tag. Type in the name you want and press the Enter key. You will need to go back to the All tag to start assigning brushes.


在标签选单中重新选中 All 标签,列出全部可用笔刷。右键单击一个喜欢的笔刷,在弹出的菜单中选择“指定给标签”即可把该笔刷指定给某个标签。


Select the existing tag that you want to have changed from the drop-down. Press the + icon next to the tag. You will get an option to rename it. Press the Enter key to confirm. All the existing brushes will remain in the newly named tag.


在标签下拉菜单中选中你需要删除的标签,然后点击该菜单右侧的 标签 按钮,在弹出的菜单中点击“删除此标签”。