
Krita 支持图层功能。通过图层你可以更好地掌控画面的各个元素。

Think of an artwork or collage made with various stacks of papers with some papers cut such that they show the paper beneath them while some hide what’s beneath them. If you want to replace an element in the artwork, you replace that piece of paper instead of drawing the entire thing. In Krita instead of papers we use Layers. Layers are part of the document which may or may not be transparent, they may be smaller or bigger than the document itself, they can arrange one above other, named and grouped.


你可以单独编辑每个图层,还可以为它们添加特殊效果,如图层样式、混色模式、透明度、滤镜和变形等。Krita 会把上面的这些内容在图层组中进行合成,生成最终的图像。听起来挺厉害,但这也只是 Krita 丰富的图像处理功能的其中一种而已!



Some artists draw with limited number of layers, but some prefer to have different elements of the artwork on separate layer. Krita has some good layer management features which make the layer management task easy.

You can group layers and organize the elements of your artwork.

你可以改变图层的排列顺序,把它们移入或者移出分组,也可以直接在图层列表里面拖放它们。如果你在使用 子窗口视图模式,你还可以在已打开的两个文档视图之间拖放图层。


To assign a color label to your layer or layer group you have to mouseright on the layer and choose one of the given colors from the context menu. To remove an already existing color label you can click on the ‘x’ marked box in the context menu.


Once you assign color labels to your layers, you can then filter layers having similar color label by clicking on one or more colors in the list from the drop-down situated in the top-right corner of the layer docker.


5.0 新版功能: You can also use this dropdown to filter the layers by layer name.



上图显示了 图层 所含的各种图层类型。从上到下依次是:文件图层、滤镜图层、填充图层、矢量图层、分组图层、克隆图层和颜料图层。每种图层都有自己特定的用途,例如笔刷主要在颜料图层上面进行描绘,而矢量图形则要在矢量图层上进行制作。 图层和蒙版 页面会进一步介绍这些图层类型的细节。

接下来我们将介绍 Krita 图层列表的合成顺序。

Krita 的图层合成顺序

In Krita, the visible layers form a composite image which is shown on the canvas. The order in which Krita composites the layers is from bottom to top, much like the stack of papers we discussed above. As we continue adding layers, the image we see changes, according to the properties of the newly added layers on top.

Group Layers composite separately from the other layers in the stack, except when pass through mode is activated. The layers inside a group form a composite image first and then this composite is taken into consideration while the layer stack is composited to form a whole image. If the pass through mode is activated by pressing the icon similar to bricked wall, the layers within the group are considered as if they are outside that particular group in the layer stack, however, the visibility of the layers in a group depends on the visibility of the group.

../_images/Passthrough-mode_.png ../_images/Layer-composite.png

Photoshop 创建的 PSD 文件会默认启用分组的穿透模式,除非它们被指明使用其他的混色模式。


Krita 通过一个叫做“继承透明度”的功能来实现剪贴操作。它通过图层列表右边的 Alpha 字母按钮控制。


It can be somewhat hard to figure out how the inherit alpha feature works in Krita for the first time. Once you click on the inherit alpha icon on the layer stack, the pixels of the layer you are painting on are confined to the combined pixel area of all the layers below it. That means if you have the default white background layer as first layer, clicking on the inherit alpha icon and painting on any layer above will seem to have no effect as the entire canvas is filled with white. Hence, it is advised to put the base layer that you want the pixels to clip in a group layer. As mentioned above, group layers are composited separately, hence the layer which is the lowest layer in a group becomes the bounding layer and the content of the layers above this layer clips to it if inherit alpha is enabled.

../_images/Inherit-alpha-krita.jpg ../_images/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png



Krita 支持对图层内容进行非破坏性编辑。非破坏性编辑指的是尽管图层的显示效果发生了改变,但图像的原始数据并没有发生永久改变。Krita 只不过在原始图层上应用了一个实时生效的滤镜或者蒙版来改变图像的显示效果,只需隐藏这些滤镜或者蒙版图层,原始图像即可按原样显示。这在需要反复切换对比前后效果的绘画流程中极为有用。



要合并全部可见图层,先点击菜单栏的 图层 ‣ 选择 ‣ 可见图层 来选中全部可见图层,然后点击菜单栏的 图层 ‣ 向下合并图层 来合并选中的图层。

These filters and masks are accessible through the right-click menu (as shown in the image below) and the Plus icon on the layer docker.


你还可以在滤镜对话框点击 创建滤镜蒙版 按钮,直接把该滤镜的效果创建成一个滤镜蒙版。


滤镜和蒙版可以被应用到图层分组,从而对多个图层进行非破坏性编辑。要了解各种图层和蒙版的细节,可参考 图层和蒙版分类的文章

要了解图层的快捷键和管理流程,可参考 图层面板 一节。