





使用输入图像作为高度图,用于输出到 3D 程序的 Phong-Lambert 着色模型中使用。在制作游戏纹理时可以用来检查高度图的效果。勾选 使用法线贴图 选框后,将使用所有的通道并把它们解析为法线贴图。




此滤镜从输入颜色中获取数值,将它们放在一个 3D 矢量中,然后对其进行标准化 (把矢量大小强制为 1),在法线贴图和一些少见的图像编辑功能中会用到。




在 3.x 版中你只能选择预制的渐变。在 4.0 版中你可以选择并随时调整渐变。你也可以把渐变映射滤镜作为滤镜图层或者滤镜笔刷。

Color Modes

  • Blend: smoothly blend colors between stops

  • Nearest: selects color from nearest stops

  • Dither: dithers between stop colors as per Dithering Threshold Modes.


Maps the color of the input to the nearest color in the selected palette. Useful for limiting color in pixel art and for artistic effects.

Optional dithering may be applied with the covered value range controlled by the spread value.

Colorspace Modes

  • Lab: finds nearest colors in Lab colorspace

  • RGB: finds nearest colors in RGB colorspace

Dithering Threshold Modes

  • Pattern: uses the lightness or alpha value of the selected pattern to threshold the input color between palette colors

  • Noise: uses a randomly generated value per pixel to threshold the input color between palette colors

Dithering Color Modes

  • Per-Component Offset: independently offsets each color channel by the threshold amount, scaled by the offset scale value

  • Nearest Colors: finds the two nearest colors then applies the threshold amount to the relative distances of the two color to find the resulting color

Dithering Alpha Modes

  • Clip: thresholds alpha at the clip position

  • Index: uses the selected palette index as the transparent color

  • Dither: applies dither to the alpha value as per Dithering Threshold Modes