
GIMP 图像管道格式。Krita 不但可以打开和保存这种文件,还可以在 预制形状笔刷选项卡 处导入它们。




Dimension and ranks.

The GIMP image hose format allows multiple dimensions for a given brush. You could for example have a dimension that updates incrementally, and one that updates on pressure, or updates randomly. Upon export, Krita will use the ranks to subdivide the layers per dimension. If you have a 24 layer image and three ranks, and the first dimension is set to 2, the second to 4 and the third to 3, then Krita will divide 24 into 2 groups of 12, each of which have unique images for the 2 parts of the first dimension. Then those 2 groups of 12 get divided into 8 groups of 4, each of which have unique brush tips for the four parts of the second dimension, and finally, the grouped three images have each a unique brush for the final dimension.

So, the following image has a table where dimension 1 is unique in one of 4 numbers, while dimension 2 is unique in one of 3 shapes. So our ranks for dimension 1 and dimension 2 need to be 4 and 3 respectively. Now, to order the layers, you need to subdivide the table first by the first dimension, and then by the second. So we end up with three layers each for a shape in the second dimension but for the first number, then another three layers, each for a shape, but then for the second number, and so forth.


See the GIMP documentation for a more thorough explanation.

GIMP image hose format options:











When exporting a Krita file as a .gih, you will also get the option to set the default spacing, the option to set the name (very important for looking it up in the UI) and the ability to choose whether or not to generate the mask from the colors.



We have a Krita Brush tip page on how to create your own GIH brush.