

What are Tablets?




数位板和压感笔正确安装后,Krita 可以从它们那里获得压力等传感器信息,你可以通过施加的压力控制笔画的粗细,或者营造其他丰富有趣的笔触。





Supported tablets are owned by Krita developers themselves, so they can reliably diagnose and fix bugs. We maintain a list of those here.

If you’re looking for information about iPad or Android tablets, look here.


So you have bought a tablet, a real drawing tablet. And you want to get it to work with Krita! So you plug in the USB cable, start up Krita and… It doesn’t work! Or well, you can make strokes, but that pressure sensitivity you heard so much about doesn’t seem to work.


Running on your computer is a basic system doing all the tricky bits of running a computer for you. This is the operating system, or OS. Most people use an operating system called Windows, but people on an Apple device have an operating system called macOS, and some people, including many of the developers use a system called Linux.

The base principle of all of these systems is the same though. You would like to run programs like Krita, called software, on your computer, and you want Krita to be able to communicate with the hardware, like your drawing tablet. But to have those two communicate can be really difficult – so the operating system, works as a glue between the two.

每当你启动 Krita 之后,Krita 首先会与操作系统建立联系,要求它进行显示图像、调用内存等各种操作。不过现在最重要的是,Krita 要从数位板获取信息!


But it can’t! Turns out your operating system doesn’t know much about tablets. That’s what drivers are for. Installing a driver gives the operating system enough information, so the OS can provide Krita with the right information about the tablet. The hardware manufacturer’s job is to write a proper driver for each operating system.


Because drivers modify the operating system a little, you will always need to restart your computer when installing or uninstalling a driver, so don’t forget to do this! Conversely, because Krita isn’t a driver, you don’t need to even uninstall it to reset the configuration, just rename or delete the configuration file.

Windows 环境下可能发生的问题

如果驱动已经正确安装,Krita 会自动连接到数位板。数位板要是工作不正常,一般都不是 Krita 造成的问题。

Surface Pro tablets need two drivers

Certain tablets using n-trig, like the Surface Pro, have two types of drivers. One is native, n-trig and the other one is called WinTab. Since 3.3, Krita can use Windows Ink style drivers, just go to Settings ‣ Configure Krita… ‣ Tablet Settings and toggle the Windows 8+ Pointer Input (Windows Ink) there. You don’t need to install the WinTab drivers anymore for n-trig based pens.

Windows 10 更新

Windows 10 推送的更新有时会损坏数位板的驱动程序,重新安装驱动程序一般可以解决问题。

Wacom 数位板

There are three known problems with Wacom tablets and Windows.


其次,你可能需要更改显示器的优先顺序。在某些情况下你要把 Cintiq 设为主屏幕,而另外一些情况下你要把它设成副屏幕。打开 Wacom 数位板属性,检查 Cintiq 的数位板是否和它的屏幕正确关联。

The third is that if you have a display tablet like a Cintiq and a Wacom ExpressKeys remote, and you have disabled Windows Ink in the calibration page of the stylus settings dialog, so you have the full set of WinTab features, the Cintiq needs to be the first item in Wacom’s desktop application list. Otherwise, you will have an offset between stylus and mouse that will get worse the more displays there are to the left of the Cintiq display.




On Windows, you can only have a single WinTab-style driver installed at a time. So be sure to uninstall the previous driver before installing the one that comes with the tablet you want to use. Other operating systems are a bit better about this, but even Linux, where the drivers are often preinstalled, can’t run two tablets with different drivers at once.


Sometimes, there’s software that tries to make a security layer between Krita and the operating system. Sandboxie is an example of this. However, Krita cannot always connect to certain parts of the operating system while sandboxed, so it will often break in programs like Sandboxie. Similarly, certain mouse software, like Razer utilities can also affect whether Krita can talk to the operating system, converting tablet information to mouse information. This type of software should be configured to leave Krita alone, or be uninstalled.

根据用户反馈信息,下列软件会干扰 Krita 读取数位板事件:

  1. Sandboxie

  2. Razer 鼠标实用程序

  3. AMD Catalyst TM “game mode” (this broke the right click for someone)

Flicks 手势 (出现等待圆圈,然后弹出浮动画具板)

如果你发现在 Windows 下面绘画时老是弹出浮动画具板,那么犯人很可能是 Flicks 手势。Flicks 是 Windows 的一种手势功能,它把光标动作转换成键盘快捷键。Windows 会在安装数位板驱动之后自动启用此功能,设计此功能的高僧是不是忘了人们是用数位板来画画的?你可以在 Windows Flicks 配置对话框中关闭此功能。

Wacom 双击时笔尖间距 (笔画的起始部分总是画成直线)

If you experience an issue where the start of the stroke is straight, and have a Wacom tablet, it could be caused by the Wacom driver double-click detection.

要修复这个问题,打开 Wacom 数位板属性,调低“双击时笔尖间距”。


Krita 支持的数位板一般都是我们的开发人员手头上已有的设备,只有这样我们才能可靠地修复它们的问题。我们也整理了一个 数位板支持情况的列表