
This page describes the rules to follow if you want to contribute to Godot Engine by writing or reviewing documentation, or by translating existing documentation. Also, have a look at README of the godot-docs GitHub repository and the docs front page on what steps to follow and how to contact the docs team.


创建或修改文档页面主要通过 godot-docs GitHub存储库 来完成。HTML(或PDF和EPUB)文档是从该存储库中的.rst文件(reStructuredText标记语言)生成的。在拉取请求中修改这些页面并将其合并将触发重建在线文档。


有关Git用法和拉取请求工作流程的详细信息,请参阅 拉取请求(PR)工作流程 页面。它描述的关于主godotengine/godot存储库的大部分内容,这对文档存储库也是有效的。



如果您想编辑 API参考手册 ,请注意它 应该在godot-docs存储库中完成。而是,您应该编辑Godot的主存储库的 doc/classes/* XML文件。这些文件随后将用于生成编辑器内文档以及在线文档的API参考手册。在这里 Contributing to the class reference 阅读更多。

The ‘Edit on GitHub’ link

If you’re reading documentation on docs.godotengine.org, you’ll see an Edit on GitHub hyperlink at the top right of the page. Once you’ve created a GitHub account, you can propose changes to a page you’re reading as follows:

  1. 点击“Edit on GitHub”按钮。
  2. On the GitHub page you’re taken to, click the pencil icon in the top-right corner near the Raw, Blame and History buttons. It has the tooltip “Edit the file in a fork of this project”.
  3. 完成您要对该页面进行的所有编辑。
  4. Summarize the changes you made in the form at the bottom of the page and click the button labelled Propose file change when done.
  5. 在接下来的页面上,点击 创建请求请求 按钮,直到看到诸如 *Open. yourGitHubUsername wants to merge 1 commit into godotengine:master from yourGitHubUsername:patch-6*的讯息。
  6. A reviewer will evaluate your changes and incorporate them into the docs if they’re acceptable. You might also be asked to make modifications to your changes before they’re included.


Documentation should be well written in plain English, using well-formed sentences and various levels of sections and subsections. It should be clear and objective. Also, have a look at the 文档编写指南.


  • 教程:该页面旨在说明如何在编辑器或脚本中使用一个或多个概念,以达到具有学习目的的特定目标(例如“制作简单的2d Pong游戏”,“向对象施加力”)。
  • 文档:一个页面,如果可能的话,一次只描述一个且只有一个概念(例如Sprite类的方法列表,或者Godot中输入管理的概述)。




  1. .. _doc_insert_your_title_here:
  2. Insert your title here
  3. ======================

The reference allows linking to this page using the :ref: format, e.g. :ref:`doc_insert_your_title_here` would link to the above example page (note the lack of leading underscore in the reference).


  • Insert your title here


  • Insert Your Title Here



您可以帮助我们翻译或校对托管在 Hosted Weblate 上的官方Godot文档。

Translation state

There also is the official Godot i18n repository where you can see when the data was last synchronized.


本文档及其包含的每个页面均根据 知识共享署名3.0许可证(CC-BY-3.0)) 的条款发布 ,归属于“Juan Linietsky,Ariel Manzur和Godot社区”。
