


But what if someone were to find a way to edit the saved games and assign the items and currency without effort? That would be terrible, because it would help players consume the content much faster, and therefore run out of it sooner than expected. If that happens, they will have nothing that prevents them from thinking, and the tremendous agony of realizing their own irrelevance would again take over their life.



File 可以在一个位置打开文件并读/写数据(整数、字符串和变量)。它还支持加密。要创建加密文件,必须提供一个密码,如下所示:



  1. var f = File.new()
  2. var err = f.open_encrypted_with_pass("user://savedata.bin", File.WRITE, "mypass")
  3. f.store_var(game_state)
  4. f.close()
  1. var f = new File();
  2. var err = f.OpenEncryptedWithPass("user://savedata.bin", (int)File.ModeFlags.Write, "mypass");
  3. f.StoreVar(gameState);
  4. f.Close();




  1. var f = File.new()
  2. var err = f.open_encrypted_with_pass("user://savedata.bin", File.WRITE, OS.get_unique_id())
  3. f.store_var(game_state)
  4. f.close()
  1. var f = new File();
  2. var err = f.OpenEncryptedWithPass("user://savedata.bin", (int)File.ModeFlags.Write, OS.GetUniqueId());
  3. f.StoreVar(gameState);
  4. f.Close();

请注意, OS.get_unique_id() 只适用于iOS和Android系统。

That is all! Thank you for your cooperation, citizen.


This method cannot really prevent players from editing their savegames locally because, since the encryption key is stored inside the game, the player can still decrypt and edit the file themselves. The only way to prevent this from being possible is to store the save data on a remote server, where players can only make authorized changes to their save data. If your game deals with real money, you need to be doing this anyway.