Particle shaders

Particle shaders are a special type of vertex shader that runs before the object is drawn. They are used for calculating material properties such as color, position, and rotation. They are drawn with any regular material for CanvasItem or Spatial, depending on whether they are 2D or 3D.




Particle shaders are only available in the GLES3 backend. If you need particles in GLES2, use CPUParticles.

Render modes

Render mode描述


Values marked as “in” are read-only. Values marked as “out” are for optional writing and will not necessarily contain sensible values. Values marked as “inout” provide a sensible default value, and can optionally be written to. Samplers are not subjects of writing and they are not marked.

Global built-ins

Global built-ins are available everywhere, including custom functions.

in float TIME全球时间,以秒为单位。

Vertex built-ins


inout vec4 COLORParticle color, can be written to and accessed in mesh’s vertex function.
inout vec3 VELOCITY粒子速度,可以修改。
out float MASSParticle mass, use for attractors (not implemented in 3.1).
inout bool ACTIVEtrue when Particle is active, can be set to false.
in bool RESTARTtrue when particle must restart (lifetime cycled).
inout vec4 CUSTOM自定义粒子数据。可从网格着色器作为实例化_自定义访问。
inout mat4 TRANSFORM粒子变换。
in float LIFETIME粒子寿命。
in float DELTA达美处理时间。
in uint NUMBER排放开始后的唯一编号。
in int INDEX颗粒指数(来自总颗粒)。
in mat4 EMISSION_TRANSFORM发射器变换(用于非本地系统)。
in uint RANDOM_SEED随机种子被用作随机的基础。