

传统意义上,剪影动画 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutout_animation>`__是一种`定格动画 。在剪影动画中,人们把纸片(或者其他的薄材料)剪成特殊的形状,来组合成角色和物体的二维形象。角色的身体通常是由几个部件组成的。这些部件在动画的每一帧中形成一种组合,之后对其摄影。动画制作者在两次摄影之间将这些部分进行很小幅度的移动和旋转,这样,当这些摄影的画面以很快的速度连续依次播放时,就可以造成这些角色和物体在连续运动的假象。

Simulations of cutout animation can now be created using software as seen in South Park and Jake and the Never Land Pirates.

在视频游戏中,这种技术也变得流行。 例如 Paper MarioRayman Origins

Cutout animation in Godot


  • The animation system is fully integrated with the engine: This means animations can control much more than just motion of objects. Textures, sprite sizes, pivots, opacity, color modulation, and more, can all be animated and blended.
  • 混合动画风格:动画精灵允许将传统赛璐璐动画与剪纸动画一起使用。在赛璐璐动画中,不同的动画帧使用完全不同的绘图,而不是相同的片段位置不同。在其他基于剪纸的动画中,赛璐璐动画可以选择性地用于复杂的部件,例如手、脚、改变面部表情等。
  • Custom Shaped Elements: Custom shapes can be created with Polygon2D allowing UV animation, deformations, etc.
  • Particle Systems: A cutout animation rig can be combined with particle systems. This can be useful for magic effects, jetpacks, etc.
  • Custom Colliders: Set colliders and influence areas in different parts of the skeletons, great for bosses and fighting games.
  • Animation Tree: Allows complex combinations and blending between several animations, the same way it works in 3D.


制作 GBot

在本教程中,我们将使用由Andreas Esau创建的 GBot 角色作为演示。


获得您的资源: gbot_resources.zip




The first node of the model is the hip. Generally, both in 2D and 3D, the hip is the root of the skeleton. This makes it easier to animate:


Next will be the torso. The torso needs to be a child of the hip, so create a child sprite and load the torso texture, later accommodate it properly:


This looks good. Let’s see if our hierarchy works as a skeleton by rotating the torso. We can do this be pressing E to enter rotate mode, and dragging with the left mouse button. To exit rotate mode hit ESC.


The rotation pivot is wrong and needs to be adjusted.

This small cross in the middle of the Sprite is the rotation pivot:



可以通过更改Sprite中的 offset 属性来调整pivot:


The pivot can also be adjusted visually. While hovering over the desired pivot point, press V to move the pivot there for the selected Sprite. There is also a tool in the tool bar that has a similar function.


Continue adding body pieces, starting with the right arm. Make sure to put each sprite in its correct place in the hierarchy, so its rotations and translations are relative to its parent:




We want the left arm to appear behind the hip and the torso. We could move the left arm nodes behind the hip (above the hip node in the scene hierarchy), but then the left arm is no longer in its proper place in the hierarchy. This means it wouldn’t be affected by the movement of the torso. We’ll fix this problem with RemoteTransform2D nodes.




The RemoteTransform2D node transforms nodes somewhere else in the hierarchy. This node applies its own transform (including any transformation it inherits from its parents) to the remote node it targets.

This allows us to correct the visibility order of our elements, independently of the locations of those parts in the cutout hierarchy.



Moving the RemoteTransform2D nodes now moves the sprites. So we can create animations by adjusting the RemoteTransform2D transforms:



按照其余部分的相同步骤完成骨架。 生成的场景应该类似于:


生成的装备很容易制作动画。 通过选择节点并旋转它们,您可以有效地为前向运动学(FK)设置动画。

For simple objects and rigs this is fine, but there are limitations:

  • Selecting sprites in the main viewport can become difficult in complex rigs. The scene tree ends up being used to select parts instead, which can be slower.
  • 反向动力学(IK)对于手和脚等肢体的运动非常有用,目前我们的绑定还无法使用。

To solve these problems we’ll use Godot’s skeletons.



As an example, let’s turn the right arm into a skeleton. To create a skeleton, a chain of nodes must be selected from top to bottom:


然后,单击Skeleton菜单并选择 Make Bones


This will add bones covering the arm, but the result may be surprising.



第一步是创建端点节点。 任何类型的节点都可以,但是 Position2D 是首选,因为它在编辑器中可见。 端点节点将确保最后一个骨骼具有方向。






You may notice that an extra bone is created when connecting the hip and torso. Godot has connected the hip node to the scene root with a bone, and we don’t want that. To fix this, select the root and hip node, open the Skeleton menu, click clear bones.




You might have noticed a second set of endpoints in the hands. This will make sense soon.

Now that the whole figure is rigged, the next step is setting up the IK chains. IK chains allow for more natural control of extremities.


IK 是反向动力学(Inverse Kinematics)的缩写,给手部、足部以及其它肢体的动画带来便利。想象一下,您想要将角色的脚放在地面上的特定位置。 如果没有 IK 链,脚的每次运动都需要旋转和定位其他几个骨骼(至少得涉及大腿及小腿)。 这将非常复杂并导致不精确的结果。


To create an IK chain, select a chain of bones from endpoint to the base for the chain. For example, to create an IK chain for the right leg, select the following:


然后为IK启用此链。 转到编辑>制作IK链。


结果,链的基部将变为 黄色




Animation tips

The following section will be a collection of tips for creating animation for your cutout rigs. For more information on how the animation system in Godot works, see 动画.

Setting keyframes and excluding properties

Special contextual elements appear in the top toolbar when the animation editor window is open:


The key button inserts location, rotation, and scale keyframes for the selected objects or bones at the current playhead position.



Creating a rest pose


1. Make sure the rig parts are positioned in what looks like a “resting” arrangement.

  1. Create a new animation, rename it “rest”.
  2. Select all nodes in your rig (box selection should work fine).

4. Make sure the “loc”, “rot”, and “scl” toggle buttons are all active in the toolbar.

5. Press the key button. Keys will be inserted for all selected parts storing their current arrangement. This pose can now be recalled when necessary in your game by playing the “rest” animation you’ve created.




So when inserting keys, you might find it convenient to have only the “rot” toggle active most of the time:


This will avoid the creation of unwanted animation tracks for position and scale.

Keyframing IK chains

When editing IK chains, it’s not necessary to select the whole chain to add keyframes. Selecting the endpoint of the chain and inserting a keyframe will automatically insert keyframes for all other parts of the chain too.






To apply the same easing curve to multiple keyframes at once:

  1. 选择相关的关键帧。
  2. Click on the pencil icon in the bottom right of the animation panel. This will open the transition editor.
  3. In the transition editor, click on the desired curve to apply it.



