槽位 & 遮罩

The Slots tab in the Tool Shelf of the 3D View.


../../../_images/sculpt-paint_painting_texture-paint_slots-mask_slots-panel.pngSlots settings.

与 UV 贴图相组合的图像被称为 "槽位"。

Selecting a Paint Slots or Canvas Image_will also display the corresponding image in _UV/Image Editors.

  • 绘画模式
  • The slot system includes two painting modes:

    • Image
    • You can just select an existing image and painting will use the active UV layer for painting.

      • 画布图像
      • Allows you to select the image used as a canvas.

        • New
        • Create a new image.
      • UV 贴图
      • Allows you to select the UV layer for painting.(Same as the currently active UV map in the mesh's UV Maps panel.)
    • Material
    • This mode tries to detect the slots from the materials of the mesh.

For the Cycles renderer,all texture images (Image Texture node) on the material's node tree are added on the slots tab.

  1. - 可用的绘画槽位
  2. - A [列表视图](https://docs.blender.org/manual/zh-hans/2.79/interface/controls/templates/list_presets.html#ui-list-view) of slots.To activate a certain slot to use it for paint a just LMB click on it.
  3. - UV 贴图
  4. - Allows you to select a UV layer for the slot.The UV map selected in the _UV Map_ nodes before an _Image Texture_ will be used.If there is no _UV Map_ nodes or it has a blank value,the active UV map of the mesh (_UV Maps_ panel) will be used.

For Blender Internal, texture paint slots are material texture slots that use images and UV mapping.The UV map that is used during painting is either the assigned on the UV slot of the material texture UV slot,or the active UV layer of the mesh (this is the highlighted UV map under the mesh tab in the properties editor)if no UV map has been assigned. There are a few extra controls:

  1. - 添加/删除纹理绘画槽位
  2. - A menu that allows the addition of new slots which are added directly on the material.
  3. - 混合类型
  4. - Same as in the[Texture Blending Modes](https://docs.blender.org/manual/zh-hans/2.79/render/blender_render/textures/properties/influence/blending_modes.html).
  • 保存所有图像
  • Repack (or save if external file) all edited images.Same as in the UV/Image Editor.


../../../_images/sculpt-paint_painting_texture-paint_slots-mask_mask-panel.pngMask settings.


  • UV 贴图
  • Allows you to select the UV layer for the mask image.
  • 镂版图
  • Image used as a mask. See 数据块菜单.
  • 可视化
  • Mask color in the viewport. See 拾色器.
  • 反转镂版 (黑/白色图标)
  • 反转遮罩。