

创建新场景并添加一个 Node 节点,命名为 Main。(我们之所以使用 Node 而不是 Node2D,是因为这个节点会作为处理游戏逻辑的容器使用。本身是不需要 2D 功能的。)

点击实例化按钮(由链条图标表示)并选择保存的 Player.tscn


现在, 将以下节点添加为 Main 的子节点, 并按如下所示对其进行命名(值以秒为单位):

  • Timer(名为 MobTimer)——控制怪物产生的频率

  • Timer(名为 ScoreTimer)——每秒增加分数

  • Timer(名为 StartTimer)——在开始之前给出延迟

  • Position2D(名为 StartPosition)——表示玩家的起始位置

如下设置每个 Timer 节点的 Wait Time 属性:

  • MobTimer0.5

  • ScoreTimer1

  • StartTimer2

此外,将 StartTimerOne Shot 属性设置为“启用”,并将 StartPosition 节点的 Position 设置为 (240, 450)


Main 节点将产生新的生物, 我们希望它们出现在屏幕边缘的随机位置. 添加一个名为 MobPathPath2D 节点作为 Main 的子级. 当你选择 Path2D 时, 你将在编辑器顶部看到一些新按钮:







在图像上放置点 4 后, 点击 闭合曲线 按钮, 你的曲线将完成.

现在已经定义了路径, 添加一个 PathFollow2D 节点作为 MobPath 的子节点, 并将其命名为 MobSpawnLocation. 该节点在移动时, 将自动旋转并沿着该路径, 因此我们可以使用它沿路径来选择随机位置和方向.



Main 脚本

将脚本添加到 Main. 在脚本的顶部, 我们使用 export (PackedScene) 来允许我们选择要实例化的 Mob 场景.


  1. extends Node
  2. export(PackedScene) var mob_scene
  3. var score
  1. public class Main : Node
  2. {
  3. // Don't forget to rebuild the project so the editor knows about the new export variable.
  4. #pragma warning disable 649
  5. // We assign this in the editor, so we don't need the warning about not being assigned.
  6. [Export]
  7. public PackedScene MobScene;
  8. #pragma warning restore 649
  9. public int Score;
  10. }
  1. // Copy `player.gdns` to `main.gdns` and replace `Player` with `Main`.
  2. // Attach the `main.gdns` file to the Main node.
  3. // Create two files `main.cpp` and `main.hpp` next to `entry.cpp` in `src`.
  4. // This code goes in `main.hpp`. We also define the methods we'll be using here.
  5. #ifndef MAIN_H
  6. #define MAIN_H
  7. #include <AudioStreamPlayer.hpp>
  8. #include <CanvasLayer.hpp>
  9. #include <Godot.hpp>
  10. #include <Node.hpp>
  11. #include <PackedScene.hpp>
  12. #include <PathFollow2D.hpp>
  13. #include <RandomNumberGenerator.hpp>
  14. #include <Timer.hpp>
  15. #include "hud.hpp"
  16. #include "player.hpp"
  17. class Main : public godot::Node {
  18. GODOT_CLASS(Main, godot::Node)
  19. int score;
  20. HUD *_hud;
  21. Player *_player;
  22. godot::Node2D *_start_position;
  23. godot::PathFollow2D *_mob_spawn_location;
  24. godot::Timer *_mob_timer;
  25. godot::Timer *_score_timer;
  26. godot::Timer *_start_timer;
  27. godot::AudioStreamPlayer *_music;
  28. godot::AudioStreamPlayer *_death_sound;
  29. godot::Ref<godot::RandomNumberGenerator> _random;
  30. public:
  31. godot::Ref<godot::PackedScene> mob_scene;
  32. void _init() {}
  33. void _ready();
  34. void game_over();
  35. void new_game();
  36. void _on_MobTimer_timeout();
  37. void _on_ScoreTimer_timeout();
  38. void _on_StartTimer_timeout();
  39. static void _register_methods();
  40. };
  41. #endif // MAIN_H

我们还在此处添加了对 randomize() 的调用,以便随机数生成器在每次运行游戏时生成不同的随机数:


  1. func _ready():
  2. randomize()
  1. public override void _Ready()
  2. {
  3. GD.Randomize();
  4. }
  1. // This code goes in `main.cpp`.
  2. #include "main.hpp"
  3. #include <SceneTree.hpp>
  4. #include "mob.hpp"
  5. void Main::_ready() {
  6. _hud = get_node<HUD>("HUD");
  7. _player = get_node<Player>("Player");
  8. _start_position = get_node<godot::Node2D>("StartPosition");
  9. _mob_spawn_location = get_node<godot::PathFollow2D>("MobPath/MobSpawnLocation");
  10. _mob_timer = get_node<godot::Timer>("MobTimer");
  11. _score_timer = get_node<godot::Timer>("ScoreTimer");
  12. _start_timer = get_node<godot::Timer>("StartTimer");
  13. // Uncomment these after adding the nodes in the "Sound effects" section of "Finishing up".
  14. //_music = get_node<godot::AudioStreamPlayer>("Music");
  15. //_death_sound = get_node<godot::AudioStreamPlayer>("DeathSound");
  16. _random = (godot::Ref<godot::RandomNumberGenerator>)godot::RandomNumberGenerator::_new();
  17. _random->randomize();
  18. }

单击 Main 节点,就可以在“检查器”的“Script Variables”(脚本变量)下看到 Mob Scene 属性。


  • Drag Mob.tscn from the “FileSystem” dock and drop it in the Mob Scene property.

  • 单击“[空]”旁边的下拉箭头按钮,选择“加载”。选择 Mob.tscn

在场景树中选择 Player 节点, 然后选择 节点(Node) 选项卡(位于右侧属性旁), 确保已选择 信号(Signals) .

你可以看到 Player 的信号列表. 找到 hit 信号并双击(或右键选择 “连接信号…”). 我们将在打开的界面创建 game_over 函数, 用来处理游戏结束时发生的事情. 在 连接信号到方法 窗口底部的 接收方法 框中键入 game_over . 添加以下代码, 以及 new_game 函数以设置新游戏的所需内容:


  1. func game_over():
  2. $ScoreTimer.stop()
  3. $MobTimer.stop()
  4. func new_game():
  5. score = 0
  6. $Player.start($StartPosition.position)
  7. $StartTimer.start()
  1. public void GameOver()
  2. {
  3. GetNode<Timer>("MobTimer").Stop();
  4. GetNode<Timer>("ScoreTimer").Stop();
  5. }
  6. public void NewGame()
  7. {
  8. Score = 0;
  9. var player = GetNode<Player>("Player");
  10. var startPosition = GetNode<Position2D>("StartPosition");
  11. player.Start(startPosition.Position);
  12. GetNode<Timer>("StartTimer").Start();
  13. }
  1. // This code goes in `main.cpp`.
  2. void Main::game_over() {
  3. _score_timer->stop();
  4. _mob_timer->stop();
  5. }
  6. void Main::new_game() {
  7. score = 0;
  8. _player->start(_start_position->get_position());
  9. _start_timer->start();
  10. }

现在将每个 Timer 节点( StartTimer , ScoreTimerMobTimer )的 timeout() 信号连接到 main 脚本。 StartTimer 将启动其他两个计时器.。 ScoreTimer 将使得分加1。


  1. func _on_ScoreTimer_timeout():
  2. score += 1
  3. func _on_StartTimer_timeout():
  4. $MobTimer.start()
  5. $ScoreTimer.start()
  1. public void OnScoreTimerTimeout()
  2. {
  3. Score++;
  4. }
  5. public void OnStartTimerTimeout()
  6. {
  7. GetNode<Timer>("MobTimer").Start();
  8. GetNode<Timer>("ScoreTimer").Start();
  9. }
  1. // This code goes in `main.cpp`.
  2. void Main::_on_ScoreTimer_timeout() {
  3. score += 1;
  4. }
  5. void Main::_on_StartTimer_timeout() {
  6. _mob_timer->start();
  7. _score_timer->start();
  8. }
  9. // Also add this to register all methods and the mob scene property.
  10. void Main::_register_methods() {
  11. godot::register_method("_ready", &Main::_ready);
  12. godot::register_method("game_over", &Main::game_over);
  13. godot::register_method("new_game", &Main::new_game);
  14. godot::register_method("_on_MobTimer_timeout", &Main::_on_MobTimer_timeout);
  15. godot::register_method("_on_ScoreTimer_timeout", &Main::_on_ScoreTimer_timeout);
  16. godot::register_method("_on_StartTimer_timeout", &Main::_on_StartTimer_timeout);
  17. godot::register_property("mob_scene", &Main::mob_scene, (godot::Ref<godot::PackedScene>)nullptr);
  18. }

_on_MobTimer_timeout() 中, 我们先创建小怪实例,然后沿着 Path2D 路径随机选取起始位置,最后让小怪移动。PathFollow2D 节点将沿路径移动,并会自动旋转,所以我们将使用它来选择怪物的方位和朝向。生成小怪后,我们会在 150.0250.0 之间选取随机值,表示每只小怪的移动速度(如果它们都以相同的速度移动,那么就太无聊了)。

注意,必须使用 add_child() 将新实例添加到场景中。


  1. func _on_MobTimer_timeout():
  2. # Create a new instance of the Mob scene.
  3. var mob = mob_scene.instance()
  4. # Choose a random location on Path2D.
  5. var mob_spawn_location = get_node("MobPath/MobSpawnLocation")
  6. mob_spawn_location.offset = randi()
  7. # Set the mob's direction perpendicular to the path direction.
  8. var direction = mob_spawn_location.rotation + PI / 2
  9. # Set the mob's position to a random location.
  10. mob.position = mob_spawn_location.position
  11. # Add some randomness to the direction.
  12. direction += rand_range(-PI / 4, PI / 4)
  13. mob.rotation = direction
  14. # Choose the velocity for the mob.
  15. var velocity = Vector2(rand_range(150.0, 250.0), 0.0)
  16. mob.linear_velocity = velocity.rotated(direction)
  17. # Spawn the mob by adding it to the Main scene.
  18. add_child(mob)
  1. public void OnMobTimerTimeout()
  2. {
  3. // Note: Normally it is best to use explicit types rather than the `var`
  4. // keyword. However, var is acceptable to use here because the types are
  5. // obviously Mob and PathFollow2D, since they appear later on the line.
  6. // Create a new instance of the Mob scene.
  7. var mob = (Mob)MobScene.Instance();
  8. // Choose a random location on Path2D.
  9. var mobSpawnLocation = GetNode<PathFollow2D>("MobPath/MobSpawnLocation");
  10. mobSpawnLocation.Offset = GD.Randi();
  11. // Set the mob's direction perpendicular to the path direction.
  12. float direction = mobSpawnLocation.Rotation + Mathf.Pi / 2;
  13. // Set the mob's position to a random location.
  14. mob.Position = mobSpawnLocation.Position;
  15. // Add some randomness to the direction.
  16. direction += (float)GD.RandRange(-Mathf.Pi / 4, Mathf.Pi / 4);
  17. mob.Rotation = direction;
  18. // Choose the velocity.
  19. var velocity = new Vector2((float)GD.RandRange(150.0, 250.0), 0);
  20. mob.LinearVelocity = velocity.Rotated(direction);
  21. // Spawn the mob by adding it to the Main scene.
  22. AddChild(mob);
  23. }
  1. // This code goes in `main.cpp`.
  2. void Main::_on_MobTimer_timeout() {
  3. // Create a new instance of the Mob scene.
  4. godot::Node *mob = mob_scene->instance();
  5. // Choose a random location on Path2D.
  6. _mob_spawn_location->set_offset((real_t)_random->randi());
  7. // Set the mob's direction perpendicular to the path direction.
  8. real_t direction = _mob_spawn_location->get_rotation() + (real_t)Math_PI / 2;
  9. // Set the mob's position to a random location.
  10. mob->set("position", _mob_spawn_location->get_position());
  11. // Add some randomness to the direction.
  12. direction += _random->randf_range((real_t)-Math_PI / 4, (real_t)Math_PI / 4);
  13. mob->set("rotation", direction);
  14. // Choose the velocity for the mob.
  15. godot::Vector2 velocity = godot::Vector2(_random->randf_range(150.0, 250.0), 0.0);
  16. mob->set("linear_velocity", velocity.rotated(direction));
  17. // Spawn the mob by adding it to the Main scene.
  18. add_child(mob);
  19. }


为什么使用 PI?在需要角度的函数中,Godot 使用弧度而不是度数。圆周率(Pi)表示转半圈的弧度,约为 3.1415(还有等于 2 * PITAU)。如果您更喜欢使用度数,则需使用 deg2rad()rad2deg() 函数在两种单位之间进行转换。


让我们测试这个场景,确保一切正常。请将对 new_game 的调用添加至 _ready()


  1. func _ready():
  2. randomize()
  3. new_game()
  1. public override void _Ready()
  2. {
  3. NewGame();
  4. }
  1. // This code goes in `main.cpp`.
  2. void Main::_ready() {
  3. new_game();
  4. }

让我们同时指定 Main 作为我们的“主场景”——游戏启动时自动运行的场景。按下“运行”按钮,当弹出提示时选择 Main.tscn


如果你已经将别的场景设置为“主场景”了,你可以在文件系统面板上右键点击 Main.tscn 并选择“设为主场景”。


当你确定一切正常时,在 _ready() 中移除对 new_game() 的调用。
