
Inherits: Resource < RefCounted < Object

Sprite frame library for AnimatedSprite2D and AnimatedSprite3D.


Sprite frame library for an AnimatedSprite2D or AnimatedSprite3D node. Contains frames and animation data for playback.



add_animation ( StringName anim )


add_frame ( StringName anim, Texture2D texture, float duration=1.0, int at_position=-1 )


clear ( StringName anim )


clear_all ( )


get_animation_loop ( StringName anim ) const


get_animation_names ( ) const


get_animation_speed ( StringName anim ) const


get_frame_count ( StringName anim ) const


get_frame_duration ( StringName anim, int idx ) const


get_frame_texture ( StringName anim, int idx ) const


has_animation ( StringName anim ) const


remove_animation ( StringName anim )


remove_frame ( StringName anim, int idx )


rename_animation ( StringName anim, StringName newname )


set_animation_loop ( StringName anim, bool loop )


set_animation_speed ( StringName anim, float fps )


set_frame ( StringName anim, int idx, Texture2D texture, float duration=1.0 )

Method Descriptions

void add_animation ( StringName anim )

Adds a new anim animation to the library.

void add_frame ( StringName anim, Texture2D texture, float duration=1.0, int at_position=-1 )

Adds a frame to the anim animation. If at_position is -1, the frame will be added to the end of the animation.

void clear ( StringName anim )

Removes all frames from the anim animation.

void clear_all ( )

Removes all animations. An empty default animation will be created.

bool get_animation_loop ( StringName anim ) const

Returns true if the given animation is configured to loop when it finishes playing. Otherwise, returns false.

PackedStringArray get_animation_names ( ) const

Returns an array containing the names associated to each animation. Values are placed in alphabetical order.

float get_animation_speed ( StringName anim ) const

Returns the speed in frames per second for the anim animation.

int get_frame_count ( StringName anim ) const

Returns the number of frames for the anim animation.

float get_frame_duration ( StringName anim, int idx ) const

Returns a relative duration of the frame idx in the anim animation (defaults to 1.0). For example, a frame with a duration of 2.0 is displayed twice as long as a frame with a duration of 1.0. You can calculate the absolute duration (in seconds) of a frame using the following formula:

  1. absolute_duration = relative_duration / (animation_fps * abs(playing_speed))

In this example, playing_speed refers to either AnimatedSprite2D.get_playing_speed or AnimatedSprite3D.get_playing_speed.

Texture2D get_frame_texture ( StringName anim, int idx ) const

Returns the texture of the frame idx in the anim animation.

bool has_animation ( StringName anim ) const

Returns true if the anim animation exists.

void remove_animation ( StringName anim )

Removes the anim animation.

void remove_frame ( StringName anim, int idx )

Removes the anim animation’s frame idx.

void rename_animation ( StringName anim, StringName newname )

Changes the anim animation’s name to newname.

void set_animation_loop ( StringName anim, bool loop )

If loop is true, the anim animation will loop when it reaches the end, or the start if it is played in reverse.

void set_animation_speed ( StringName anim, float fps )

Sets the speed for the anim animation in frames per second.

void set_frame ( StringName anim, int idx, Texture2D texture, float duration=1.0 )

Sets the texture and the duration of the frame idx in the anim animation.

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© Copyright 2014-present Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur and the Godot community (CC BY 3.0). Revision 53e837c6.

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