Swirl Visual Effect

The Swirl Visual Effect applies a swirling pattern to the object.The effect use an object as the center of the swirl.


../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_swirl_panel.pngShadow Visual Effect.

  • Object
  • Sets the object to use as the center of the swirl.
  • Radius
  • External radius size of the swirl.
  • Angle
  • Rotation angle of the swirl. A value of 0 shows no swirl.
  • Transparent
  • When enabled, the Object is fully transparent outside the radius of the swirl.


Swirl Effect samples (with a Radius of 100 px).
../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_swirl_angle-00.pngAngle: 0°.../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_swirl_angle-15.pngAngle: 15°.../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_swirl_angle-45.pngAngle: 45°.../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_swirl_angle-90.pngAngle: 90°.