Blur Visual Effect

The Blur Visual Effect applies a Gaussian blur to the object.


../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_blur_panel.pngBlur Visual Effect.

  • Factor
  • Control the blur scale in pixels on the X and Z axis.

X, Z

  • Samples
  • Number of Blur samples (0 disabled the blur effect).
  • Lock Focal Plane
  • When enabled, the blur effect uses the focal plane distance of the actual camerato simulate a depth of field effect. Only available in camera view.


Blur Effect samples (Samples: 8).
../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_blur_factor-0.pngOriginal Model.../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_blur_factor-10.pngFactor: 10, 10.../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_blur_factor-50.pngFactor: 50, 50.../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_blur_factor-100.pngFactor: 100, 100.