
This section contains pages that provide guidance if you’re looking at the engine code trying to find an underlying issue or an optimization possibility.


When working on the Godot editor keep in mind that by default the executable will start in the Project Manager mode. Opening a project from the Project Manager spawns a new process, which stops the debugging session. To avoid that you should launch directly into the project using -e and --path launch options.

For example, using gdb directly, you may do this:

  1. $ gdb godot
  2. > run -e --path ~/myproject

You can also run the editor directly from your project’s folder. In that case, only the -e option is required.

  1. $ cd ~/myproject
  2. $ gdb godot
  3. > run -e

You can learn more about these launch options and other command line arguments in the command line tutorial.

If you’re using a code editor or an IDE to debug Godot, check out our configuration guides, which cover the setup process for building and debugging with your particular editor.

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